10 Helpful Facts About Hummingbirds - The Fact Site (2024)

There are 338 known species of the hummingbird, all of which belong to the biological family Trochilidae.

All hummingbird species can be naturally found in the Americas, with the majority of species living within Central and South America in tropical regions.

A few species can be occasionally found as far north as Alaska, but they tend to only migrate there instead of living there throughout the year.

Hummingbirds have long been admired for their beauty and agility, and today we’re going to take a look into what makes these adorable feathered friends so fascinating.

One species of hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world.

10 Helpful Facts About Hummingbirds - The Fact Site (1)

The majority of hummingbird species are small enough as they are, with most species of hummingbird measuring a tiny 3-5 inches (7.5-13 cm) long!

One particular hummingbird species wins the award of both the smallest hummingbird and the smallest bird in the world.

It’s called the bee hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae), and it measures just two inches (5 cm) long!

The bee hummingbird is native to Cuba and weighs in less than 0.07 ounces (2 g). That’s less than a US penny!

The majority of other species don’t weigh much more, though, averaging out at around 0.11 ounces (3 g).

It’s theorized that the bee hummingbird is smaller than the rest of the hummingbird family.

It evolved to gather nectar from smaller flowers, giving it an advantage over its larger cousins.

Hummingbirds have to eat up to eight times every hour!

10 Helpful Facts About Hummingbirds - The Fact Site (2)

The average diet of a hummingbird generally involves both nectar and small insects.

Nectar is a sweet liquid made of fructose, sucrose, and glucose found in many flowers.

Hummingbirds can’t live entirely off nectar, though, as it’s simply a form of sugar, making it very low in any other nutrients.

To balance out their diet, they feed on insects while they’re during flight, often hovering in the middle of a swarm of insects and snapping them up.

Neither of these sources of food can compensate for the amount of energy that a hummingbird uses while flying, though, and as such, they need to be constantly feeding!

Most hummingbirds don’t like the cold.

10 Helpful Facts About Hummingbirds - The Fact Site (3)

As we’ve mentioned previously, the majority of hummingbird species are migratory birds.

Most hummingbirds migrate to the tropics during winter, with those species found in the north heading south and those normally living south of the tropics heading north.

With that being said, there are still some hummingbirds that can be seen in winter.

The Rufous hummingbird has been found spending winter in North America,

although this isn’t always the case. When it wants to, the Rufous hummingbird will migrate up to 3000 miles (4828 km) in total, from Alaska to Mexico.

Hummingbirds are the only birds in the world that can fly backward.

10 Helpful Facts About Hummingbirds - The Fact Site (4)

Hummingbirds were most likely named so for the sound their wings make when they beat them rapidly.

With this in mind, it’s no small wonder that the flight of hummingbirds has long been studied.

Thanks to modern technology, we now have a much clearer understanding of how hummingbirds actually fly and what makes them different.

Some methods included high-speed cameras and wind tunnels, which captured larger hummingbird species beating their wings at rates of 12 beats per second and smaller species beating theirs more than 80 times per second.

They’re swift fliers, too, with some species reaching top speeds of 34 miles per hour (54 km/h)!

Oh, and they can fly backward; how cool is that?

Hummingbirds are ridiculously tiny.

10 Helpful Facts About Hummingbirds - The Fact Site (5)

Many of us have spotted many bird nests throughout our lives, but have you ever spotted a hummingbird’s nest?

I certainly haven’t, and there’s a good reason for that.

Their nests are delicate things of beauty, commonly found nestled deep within bushes or between the forks of small branches.

They are quite commonly made out of moss, spider silk, and other dainty bits and pieces, making them a true sight to behold.

Another reason they’re so hard to spot is simply down to their size. Nests of the smaller hummingbird species can be half the size of a walnut!

Hummingbirds have many natural predators.

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It comes as no surprise that a bird of such small stature has a larger pool of predators, even when you consider their incredible agility.

Really, it just comes down to the fact that the smaller a creature is, the smaller a predator needs to be, and as such, there are simply more.

The most common predators of hummingbirds range from reptiles such as lizards and snakes all the way through to insects.

Yep, insects. Some of the larger species of praying mantis family are able to catch hummingbirds while in mid-air.

Even spiders like the orb-weaver have been known to catch hummingbirds in their web.

Hummingbird eggs can weigh as much as 10% of their mother’s body weight!

10 Helpful Facts About Hummingbirds - The Fact Site (7)

Yep, you heard that right.

Can you imagine squeezing out an egg that weighed one-tenth of your body weight?

I certainly don’t to think about it! While they weigh so much proportionally, their eggs are actually the smallest bird eggs in the world.

On average, a hummingbird’s eggs can measure less than 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) long and are smaller than a jellybean!

Hummingbirds hibernate at night, so they don’t starve.

10 Helpful Facts About Hummingbirds - The Fact Site (8)

Hummingbirds have speedy metabolisms, which means that any food they eat gets processed and used up so quickly that they almost constantly need to eat.

In fact, to keep their energy levels up during the day, they eat around half their body weight!

If a hummingbird were to sleep as most other animals do, they would starve to death.

To survive the night, a hummingbird will instead enter a deep-sleep state known as torpor, which essentially slows its entire body down.

Their heart rate drops from 1000+ beats per minute to less than one hundred, and their core temperature drops from 104 °F to 64 °F (40 °C to 18 °C).

Although this dramatic change allows them to survive the night, they still lose up to 10% of their body weight in the process!

Hummingbirds are one of the most aggressive species of birds!

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When you look at a hummingbird, you don’t stop and think, “Wow, what an aggressive bird, I’d better watch out!”

The primary reason we as humans aren’t terrified of hummingbirds is simply down to their size.

They’re too tiny to be considered a threat. In the bird world, this is a different story.

Hummingbirds have been known to aggressively defend their territory, often fighting off much larger birds such as crows, jays, and even hawks!

Hummingbirds had special importance to the Aztecs.

10 Helpful Facts About Hummingbirds - The Fact Site (10)

In fact, one of their most important gods, the god of sun and war, was often associated with the hummingbird.

Many Aztecs would wear talismans that were either made from the bones of the hummingbird or were crafted out of some material to represent the bird.

It was said that such talismans brought vigor to the wearer, giving them increased energy and an advantage in warfare.

It’s no small wonder that hummingbirds have been an important cultural icon for thousands of years.

There’s simply something magical, even mesmerizing, about how they can seemingly float in mid-air while drinking nectar.

Combine this with their small yet feisty nature, and it’s no real surprise that the Aztecs associated this tiny bird with their god of war!

10 Helpful Facts About Hummingbirds - The Fact Site (2024)


What are some key facts about hummingbirds? ›

The average life span of a hummingbird is 5 years, but they have been known to live for more than 10 years. Hummingbirds fly at an average of 25-30 miles per hour, and are able to dive up to 50 miles per hour. Some hummingbirds will travel over 2,000 miles twice a year during their migration.

How fast can a hummingbird fly? ›

Along with being agile, hummingbirds have speed and stamina. They have been clocked at nearly 30 mph in direct flight and more than 45 mph during courtship dives. Not only do hummingbirds move from place to place quickly, but their body parts also move rather fast as well.

How far can a hummingbird fly without stopping? ›

Research indicates a hummingbird can travel as much as 23 miles in one day. However, during migration as they cross the Gulf of Mexico they may cover up to 500 miles at a time. Their average speed in direct flight is in the range of 20-30mph, and up to three times that fast during courtship dives.

How fast is a hummingbird heartbeat? ›

An active hummingbird's heart pumps at 1,200 beats per minute; a flying pigeon's heart beats at 600. But a human athlete during exercise builds up a heart rate to around only 150 beats, a mere fraction of the hummingbird's heart rate.

What do hummingbirds love the most? ›

Hummingbirds especially love orange or red flowers that are tubular in shape, but they'll visit many different kinds of every color and size, including easy-to-grow sunflowers.

What are some fun facts about hummingbirds wings? ›

A hummingbird sweeps its wings mostly horizontally to hover. It rotates its wings in a figure-eight pattern which pushes air forward, backward and downward, generating lift force on both forward and back strokes of the wing.

What is the unique ability of the hummingbird? ›

Hummingbirds have unique, impressive flight abilities, such as being able to fly backwards and upside down. These small birds have big appetites due to a fast metabolism, and can consume up to 12 times their bodyweight in nectar every day. They are often highly territorial and fiercely guard their own patch of flowers.

How are hummingbirds beneficial? ›

As they move from plant to plant, they carry pollen. As they pollinate the native wildflowers in parks and the plants in your garden, hummingbirds add a splash of color to our landscapes. Hummingbirds are only found in the western hemisphere.

Is a hummingbird faster than a jet? ›

Hummingbirds are the fastest animals on Earth, relative to their body size. They can cover more body lengths per second than any other vertebrate and for their size can even outpace fighter jets and the space shuttle – while withstanding g-forces that would make a fighter pilot black out.

Is a hummingbird faster than a car? ›

Q. How fast do hummers fly? A. Ruby-throated hummingbirds have been clocked in a wind tunnel flying up to 27 m.p.h. One kept up with an automobile going 45 m.p.h.; another kept up with a car going 55 - 60 m.p.h.

Can hummingbirds fly straight? ›

Hummers are the only birds that can truly hover, and they can fly in any direction they choose—upside down, backward, forward, up and down.

What happens if a hummingbird stops flying? ›

No, but they stop flying when they die. If you watch a hummingbird for a while, you will see it land on a tree branch or bush to perch and rest. They also spend the night perching and sleeping. Nesting hummingbirds sit on their eggs for long periods of time.

How many times can a hummingbird beat its wings? ›

The number of times a hummingbird's wings beat is different from one species to another, and ranges from 720 to 5400 times per minute when hovering. Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards. Some hummingbirds fly at speeds greater than 33 miles per hour.

How long can a baby hummingbird go without eating? ›

Even for a mother hummingbird, raising nestlings is a daunting job. She leaves the nest up to 200 times a day to gather food. For a human, raising baby hummingbirds is a positively Herculean task—as I soon found out. Every 20 minutes, from dawn to dark, the babies need food.

What is a fun fact about bee hummingbirds? ›

Bee hummingbirds are the smallest living birds on Earth. The females are a little bigger than the males, but the males have more colorful feathers during mating season. They live mostly in the country of Cuba, though they have also been seen in Jamaica and Haiti and are found in forests, swamps, valleys and gardens.

What is an unusual hummingbird behavior? ›

Although they're one of the world's smallest birds, these tiny fighters can show great aggression to claim their territory from other hummingbirds by charging, chasing, and even following the intruder far away from the feeding area. Male hummingbirds will also chase and dive at females during courtship attempts.

How smart are hummingbirds? ›

Did you know that hummingbirds are quite smart? They have a fantastic memory, remembering where each flower is and how to get there. A hummingbird's brain is about 4.2% of their body weight, giving these birds the largest brain-to-body proportion of any bird. Hummingbirds have a few other records to beat too.

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.