34 Of The Absolute Best Bee Crafts For Kids - Kids Love WHAT (2025)

Everyone’s “buzzing” about bees! Even when it’s not springtime, bees are a lot of fun for kids to learn about. There’s so much to learn about and love: they live in hives, they make honey, they help flowers, they are teeny-tiny, and they have those awesome yellow and black stripes.

Check out the list below for 34 bee crafts that will help spark kids’ imaginations (and maybe help them be less scared of these flying fellas). From super duper simple crafts for the toddler and preschooler sets (#32, “Bee-sy Does It”), to the more complicated projects that older kids can dive into (#15, “Save The Bees”), everyone in the family can participate in some bee-themed arts and crafts. There’s even bee-themed slime (#23, “Golden Slime”)! And don’t forget to have plenty of bubble wrap on hand for all those hives the bees need (#34, “Bee-hive Yourself,” and #16 “Roll Out The Bee Craft”).

1. Flipped-Cup Bee Craft

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Image source: I Heart Crafty Things

All you need to get started here is a foam party cup and some wax paper. The rest of the materials are pretty standard arts and crafts supplies you probably already have somewhere at home or in your classroom. One of the best things about this project from I Heart Crafty Things is that nearly any child of any age or ability can work on it to some degree. Even older siblings can be your “assistant” by tracing and cutting out the bee’s wings. It’s a whole-family activity that results in something everyone will adore!

2. Bookworms And Book-bees

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Image source: Red Ted Art

For the bookworms in your life, folded-paper corner bookmarks make lovely and personal gifts. Red Ted Art has a step-by-step instructional video that shows you how simple it is to turn an ordinary piece of paper into a bookmark that fits on the corner of a page. One that’s done, take it even further by turning that corner bookmark into a bee. It’s so easy! Putting these together can be done by guests as a birthday party activity for everyone to take home, or as a class project during lessons or stories about bees.

3. Wood Slice Bee Craft

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Image source: The Inspiration Edit

If you’ve ever walked by the woodworking section of your favorite craft store and thought, “I wish I could make something cool with those pieces,” then consider your wish granted! With this creative hack from The Inspiration Edit, you can level up your arts and crafts game with a simple circular slice of wood. These bees will be sturdy enough for even the most enthusiastic kids. And cupcake liners make textured and sensory wings that are a delight to touch. Keep this craft in mind for hot summer days or for art projects at camp, as the wood slices blend beautifully with all that outdoor time.

4. Stick Puppet Bee Craft

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Image source: I Heart Crafty Things

For those parents and teachers who prefer their crafts more “elegant” than “messy,” check out these tulle-winged bee puppets from I Heart Crafty Things. The puppets themselves are not hard to make at all, but the gauzy wings add a touch of fairy-like magic. These are beautiful enough to use as decorations for a party, which the children can then pick up, play with, and take home. Any leftover tulle can easily be repurposed to wrap up treats, decorate across window panes, or saved for a ghostly Halloween costume.

5. Upcycled Bee Craft

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Image source: Buggy And Buddy

For those of you already upcycling your cardboard egg cartons, this craft is one to check out right now. Otherwise, make sure to save future egg cartons and bookmark this craft for when you’re ready. Got it? Good! Buggy And Buddy turns individual egg holders into super cute and delightful baby bees with great big googly eyes and happy smiles. And while this craft is already 3D, the black yarn stripes and construction paper wings really make it POP.

6. Super Simple Bee Craft

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Image source: Non-Toy Gifts

Wrapping up this list is a bee craft that will tickle your young bee lovers. The clothespin antennae are the work of the brilliant minds at Non-Toy Gifts, and are just too cute. This craft works best with much younger children, probably no older than kindergarten. However, it’s a simple and fun craft for an entire classroom, daycare, or preschool to have going on, as the little ones don’t need to do a whole lot more than paint to get going.

7. Queen (And King) Bees

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Image source: Simple At Home

As children learn about bees, they are probably learning how a beehive runs; which means they are learning about queen bees. If this inspires your child to crown themselves Queen Bee of the household, then click on over to Simple At Home to learn how to make this bee crown. The absolute peak of arts and crafts with kids is when you can make something to play with or wear, and this crown definitely fits that bill. Maybe they are playing imagination games and this will help them pretend to be a bee. Or maybe they just want to rule the hive!

8. The Bee’s Knees

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Image source: I Heart Crafty Things

These round finger puppets are a hot trend in kids’ crafts, and there is absolutely no reason why bees can’t get in on the action. Click on over to I Heart Crafty Things to learn how to make this style of puppet for your child, as well as how to turn it into a cute little bee for their cute little fingers. If you set out to buy a circular hole punch, make sure you get one that is large enough for your child’s fingers but not so large that they won’t be able to move the puppet around; the blog has some tips on what sizes to look for. When you’re done, watch your bee fly around the house!

9. Birds And Bees And Flowers And Trees

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Image source: Redhead Can Decorate

Perk up those plants and make your flowers more festive with a whole swarm of bees — craft bees! Though this project may look complicated, it’s actually quite easy. Just click on over to Redhead Can Decorate to find out how to make these creative additions to your flower pots or gardens. These are also a fun idea for family time: make them all together, and then go out in the backyard and plant them among the bushes and flowers. Doing this will help give children a sense of ownership and responsibility for the flora that lives right in their own backyards.

10. Textured Tissue Paper Bee Craft

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Image source: I Heart Crafty Things

When you need a super cool-looking craft that won’t break the bank or give you a migraine, I Heart Crafty Things has a project that fits. With a free printable template to get you started, you probably won’t even need to make a trip to the craft store for the rest of the materials. The tissue paper used in this craft is meant to be crumpled up before it’s glued on, making this ideal for anyone without well-developed fine motor skills. It’s also tactile enough to satisfy kids who crave sensory projects, and cute enough to hang on the fridge!

11. Valentine’s Day Bee Craft

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Image source: Easy Peasy And Fun

If the approach of Valentine’s Day has caught you by surprise and the stores are all out of those boxes of ready-to-go class cards, Easy Peasy And Fun has your back. Members of the blog can download the heart-shaped templates for free; otherwise you can find hearts to trace by clicking here. The rest is simply a matter of tracing and cutting, and if you already have construction paper around you are good to go. With these as their valentines, your child will surely “bee” the hit of the classroom!

12. The Bee-gle Has Landed

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Image source: I Heart Crafty Things

Over at I Heart Crafty Things, they’ve got a bee that certainly isn’t going to run away. Take some of those extra paper bowls you have leftover from your last party and turn them into a sweet and easy craft project for kids. There’s nothing too fancy here, so children and students probably won’t need a lot of hands-on help. The upside-down bowls make a generous canvas for those who are still working on hand-eye coordination, so this craft works well with toddlers and preschoolers, as well as older grade schoolers.

13. Bring Home A Baby Bumble Bee

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Image source: Crafts 4 Toddlers

These itty bitty baby bumble bees are almost as cute as the children who make them! Crafts 4 Toddlers has a truly creative project that uses pistachio shells to make very little bees for very little hands to hold. Even preschoolers through first graders will enjoy making this craft (be mindful of tree nut allergies and choking hazards in the classroom). And the best part is, after shelling all those pistachios and making crafts from the shells, you now have a delicious family snack!

14. Empty Toilet Paper Roll Bee Craft

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Image source: Buggy And Buddy

Here’s a bee craft made from upcycled materials that will really make your kids smile! By gluing on a separate round face for your bee, Buggy And Buddy shows how you can make this craft extra special and fun. Some black yarn wound around the painted cardboard tube help it become a little bit more sensory and easy to grip for developing hands and fingers. And the nice thing about empty toilet paper rolls is that they can easily slide onto fingers to make puppets!

15. Save The Bees

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Image source: Natural Beach Living

Not all bees sting, something many children will be surprised and delighted to learn. This craft from Natural Beach Living shows how you and your family can create a backyard habitat for mason bees, which are pollinating bees that don’t sting. This is an advanced craft that definitely requires adult help for little kids and supervision for older kids. Yet there are still jobs that even the littlest “beekeepers” can do, making this craft a winner all around: it’s good for the environment, it’s inexpensive and easy to make, it’s fun for everyone, and the benefits will last a good long time.

16. Roll Out The Bee Craft

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Image source: From ABCs To ACTs

Now, here is a truly creative take on using bubble wrap to make beehive art! Thanks to the clever minds at From ABCs To ACTs, your children or students will positively beg you to let them make this craft over and over again. It’s that fun! This project gives you quite a lot of bang for your buck: it’s super easy to make, super inexpensive, and yet kids will have an awesome time making it. Definitely bookmark this craft for Screen-Free Family Time or for days when you just need the kids to settle down and do something with their imaginations for a while.

17. Balloon Stampers Bee Craft

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Image source: I Heart Crafty Things

This bee project from I Heart Crafty Things is going to be a messy one, so set up the crafting tray and newspaper in the workspace before anyone gets started! Even slightly older kids in first and second grade will adore making this craft that uses balloons as stampers. Blow up the balloons ahead of time, just a little bit, and tie them off nice and tight. Give the children a selection of cardstock to choose from so that they can make their bees as unique as they are. You may want to do the stamping part early in the day, so that by the end of the day (or even the next morning), the paint has dried and is ready to be turned into bumble bees.

18. Sticky Bee Craft

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Image source: The Pinterested Parent

Still can’t get enough stamper-based bee crafts? (See #17 and #25.) How about using marshmallows as stamps? If you can keep them out of your children’s mouths, jumbo marshmallows make excellent stampers for a bee’s body shape. Just head over to The Pinterested Parent for all the inspiration you’ll need to get started. It’s probably a good idea to have at least two big bags of marshmallows around when you do this craft, as there is little doubt that kids will want to eat some! (Just keep a close eye to make sure they don’t eat any painted marshmallows.)

19. Bee-loved Pet Rock

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Image source: Easy Peasy And Fun

Smooth river rocks are the perfect canvas for children to let their imaginations run wild. At Easy Peasy And Fun you’ll be inspired to help your child turn these oblong shapes into adorable bumble bees. Start with yellow paint, let it dry, and then the only limits are those of the imagination to paint the rest of the bee. These little crafts are great for paper weights, night stand friends, or as windowsill decorations for a spring-themed party.

20. “Accordion” To The Local Buzz

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Image source: Easy Peasy And Fun

Even kids who aren’t super keen on arts and crafts might like to make something they can play with. This adorable bee from Easy Peasy And Fun will “spring” to life for toddlers up to first graders. If you have crafting basics already at home — construction paper, glue, and scissors — then you’re all set to get started. Older students and children will well-developed fine motor skills might want to try making the accordion fold themselves; younger kids and those with physical challenges can draw on the eyes or mouth. It’s simple fun for everyone!

21. I Heart Bees

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Image source: Fireflies And Mudpies

For quick and easy valentines that will capture the hearts of your child’s classmates, head over to Fireflies And Mudpies. There is a small fee for the printable template, but if you are going to print out a couple of dozen to give to the class then it’s well worth it. Once it’s printed out, your children can paint the bee parts, including the heart wings, and let them dry. Cut them out, glue them together like a puzzle, and there you go! If you don’t have paint, or don’t like to deal with that mess, markers, crayons, and colored pencils work fine. Just have fun making something special!

22. Fuzzy Buzzy Bee Craft

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Image source: I Heart Crafty Things

Everything is better with glitter pom-poms, and that’s a fact. If you can’t find black and gold ones at your favorite craft store, I Heart Crafty Things has affiliate links you can click on to buy some online. Using a small scoop spoon — the kind you get with a ready-to-eat cup of ice cream — will make your bee just the right size to be cute and cuddly. Wax paper is both translucent enough and tough enough to serve as the wings. The final product is a bee that’s far too cute to sting anyone!

23. Golden Slime Bee Craft

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Image source: Daily Dish Magazine

Don’t let Winnie the Poo see this craft, because it’s not really honey! This recipe from Daily Dish Magazine is as good as gold: fine gold glitter for the base color and extra gold sequins for highlights and texture. Since slime + glitter = mess, absolutely set up a workspace ahead of time for easier cleanup. Your future self will thank you! Add some plastic bees inside the slime for more slime time fun, or set this up ahead of a party and have guests try to find as many bees in the “honey” as they can.

24. Hive Mind Bee Craft

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Image source: Crafty Morning

If you are looking for more bubble wrap-inspired crafts (see #16), then click on over to Crafty Morning, where you’ll find plenty of inspiration to make another beehive. The best part of this craft — besides the joy your child will get from popping the bubble wrap and making a mess with the paint — is that your child can also “donate” their thumbs to make the bees! Make sure you help guide your child when adding paint and pressing down on the paper, lest you wind up with a dining table full of yellow thumbprints. Once the paint is dry, add the details and then hang on the fridge!

25. Bee Craft Mash-Up

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Image source: Happy Toddler Playtime

While you’re encouraging your children or students to use unusual items to stamp bee shapes (see #17 and #18), hand them a potato masher, too. Happy Toddler Playtime shows you how to put together these bees that very nearly look like they are made from honeycombs. This is another project that will require time for the yellow paint to dry fully before adding on the rest of the bee, so make sure you do this when no one’s in a hurry.

26. Crafty Little Bees

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Image source: The Inspiration Edit

Craft sticks have been a staple of children’s arts and crafts since time immemorial, and they are the foundation for this very adorable bee project over at The Inspiration Edit. Even toddlers can help out here by painting sticks yellow and black; make sure to have plenty of newsprint or a shallow tray underneath them for easy clean-up. Grown-ups are definitely needed here to cut up empty milk or water jugs, something that’s too tricky for little hands. However, this will contribute to some durable, fun wings that will make this project ready to fly.

27. Bookworms And Book-bees

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Image source: Red Ted Art

For the bookworms in your life, folded-paper corner bookmarks make lovely and personal gifts. Red Ted Art has a step-by-step instructional video that shows you how simple it is to turn an ordinary piece of paper into a bookmark that fits on the corner of a page. One that’s done, take it even further by turning that corner bookmark into a bee. It’s so easy! Putting these together can be done by guests as a birthday party activity for everyone to take home, or as a class project during lessons or stories about bees.

28. DIY 3D Honeycomb

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Image source: Homeschool 4 Me

Don’t let rainy days get you down when the kids are stuck inside and bouncing off the walls — or glued to screens. Take an empty paper towel roll and check out 123 Homeschool 4 Me’s darling honeycomb craft. It’s a clever 3D take on the classic beehive craft that kids will love to make. Make sure to encourage your kids to draw on little bees so that the honeycomb will have some friends to live inside it. It’s a craft as sweet as honey!

29. Fuzzy Wuzzy Wuz A Bee

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Image source: Molly Moo

Pom-pom makers are excellent tools to have around if you are crafty, have small children, or just like to try your hand at making cute things. They are inexpensive and can be bought at most craft stores or online. But even using a round piece of cardboard will help you with this soft and squishy bee from Molly Moo. It’s a nice sensory craft that kids can hold in their hands and enjoy; it also makes a lovely decoration for a spring party, or in addition to a room full of fresh flowers. It’s nice enough to be a keeper for a long, long time.

30. Fine Motor Skills Bee Craft

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Image source: Frugal Mom, Eh

Paper weaving is a simple, fun, and economical way to help children develop fine motor skills, without spending tons of money on fancy toys. By weaving together yellow and black, the bee craft featured at Frugal Mom, Eh helps children keep the colors separate and spot the emerging pattern as they weave. A grown-up should probably cut the strips so that they are nice and straight, and don’t get caught while going in and out of paper. Children or students can personalize the bees by drawing the mouths or writing their names on the wings.

31. Fuzzy Bee Craft

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Image source: Darice

This bee from Darice is juuuust 3D enough to get children excited, but not so much that it’ll take up a ton of space in your house. In fact, with its soft pom-pom stripes, this bee will really give kids something to “buzz” about! Very young children might need you to draw lines of glue so they know where to put the pom-poms; first graders can probably do that part themselves. The finished craft is simple, adorable, and makes a fuzzy little friend to pet!

32. “Bee”-sy Does It

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Image source: Glued To My Crafts

For the daycare and preschool set, keeping crafts as easy as possible is always the name of the game. And Glued To My Crafts has just the thing! With a paper plate, tissue paper, and construction paper, three- and four-year olds can put together their own little bumble bee to take home and show off. Make sure to have some glue sticks on hand so that kids can easily dab-and-stick squares of yellow tissue paper onto the plate. While they are doing that, draw and cut out the shapes of the bee’s stripes, head, and stinger. So simple!

33. Keepsake Bee Planter

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Image source: I Heart Arts And Crafts

What parent doesn’t try to encourage their children to spread their wings and fly? With this craft from I Heart Arts And Crafts, now your children can make wings of their own! This planter makes a truly excellent gift for Mother’s or Father’s Day, as it combines the child’s handprints as well as an indoor flower pot. What’s even more perfect is that the craft requires two complete sets of handprints, so if there are two kids in the family then each can contribute to parts of the bee’s wings; or four kids can make one handprint each. What a sweet way to say “I Love You!”

34. Bee-Hive Yourself

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Image source: Capturing Parenthood

What’s a bee without a hive? You simply can’t have one without the other! The clever crafter at Capturing Parenthood has a wonderful little bee craft for your children that includes both a hive and a 3D bee. Bubble wrap makes a perfect template for a beehive, as it already naturally resembles the distinctive honeycomb shape. There are plenty of tips, hacks, and inspirational ideas at the blog to help you keep your busy little bee smiling all afternoon.

34 Of The Absolute Best Bee Crafts For Kids - Kids Love WHAT (2025)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.