Axolotl Care 101: Tank Setup, Food, Lifespan & More! (2024)

Axolotl Care 101: Tank Setup, Food, Lifespan & More! (1)

Keeping an Axolotl as a pet is one of the most unique and enjoyable adventures an aquarist can embark on.

These creatures are a complete blast. They’re active, engaged with their owners, and unbelievably cute!

But their popularity has led to a lot of misinformation about their care requirements. In fact, most people don’t even know if they’re fully aquatic or not (don’t worry, we’ll cover that).

So if you’re interested in owning one of these pets for yourself, this guide will bring you up to speed on everything you need to know about Axolotl care. You’ll learn about their lifespan, ideal foods, tank setup, temperature, and more!

By the time you’re done reading this, you’ll be very well-prepared if you decide to own one of these creatures in the future.

Quick Facts Axolotl Care 101: Tank Setup, Food, Lifespan & More! (2)

Scientific Name: Ambystoma mexicanum
Other Names: Mexican walking fish
Lifespan: 10-20 years
Size: 10 inches
Care: Medium-difficult
Diet: Snails, fish, amphibians
Water Conditions: 60°F-64°F, 6.5-7.5pH, 7-8dKH
Tank Size: 10 gallons
Behavior: Entertainer, Calm, Active, Aggressive

Table of Contents
  1. Quick Facts
  2. Species Summary
    1. Axolotl Lifespan
  3. Appearance
  4. Average Size
  5. Axolotl Care
    1. Tank Size
    2. Water Parameters
    3. Axolotl Tank Setup
    4. Potential Diseases
  6. Tank Mates
  7. Can You Take An Axolotl Out Of Water?
  8. Time To Go For It!

Species Summary

There’s no doubt that you’ve seen these quirky creatures all over the Internet. The Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is a unique aquatic salamander with some distinct biological quirks.

Some owners view them as reptiles while others lump them in with fish. The truth is, Axolotls are amphibians.

Technically speaking, these creatures are salamanders. However, unlike other salamander species, they never truly go through that metamorphosis process to become land-dwellers.

As a result, Axolotls spend their entire lives in the water. Even with their fully formed legs, these aquatic creatures don’t need land access at all.

Axolotls are only found in Mexico. They’re often referred to as Mexican Walking Fish. Unfortunately, these animals have become critically endangered in the wild. They are available in the aquarist trade, but it’s rare to see them being sold in stores.

If you do manage to get your hands on an Axolotl, you’ll be happy to know that caring for these critters isn’t too complicated at all (although not a walk in the park).

Axolotl Lifespan

On average, the average lifespan of an Axolotl in captivity is around 10 years. There is a chance that the salamander will live longer though.

In fact, some owners have reported lifespans of up to 20 years! However, this is quite rare.

Author Note: Like any aquatic creature, the Axolotl is quite sensitive to water conditions. Substandard care could shorten the creature’s lifespan dramatically, so it’s important to be vigilant about tank maintenance and overall care.


Axolotls are highly sought-after because of their unique looks.

The shape of the Axolotl is like a cross between a fully-formed salamander and a tadpole. They have long slender bodies complete with four thin legs.

However, their tail is still equipped to be a very effective swimming fin. It’s relatively thin, creating a nice taper starting behind the rear legs. The expansive fins on the top and bottom of the tail actually make it look much bigger though.

The head of the Axolotl is pretty interesting as well. These creatures have wide heads with small black eyes.

Unlike other salamanders, Axolotls don’t have eyelids or protruding eyes. Thus, their eyes are open all the time. When you combine this with their smiling face, you have quite the cute creature.

Axolotl Care 101: Tank Setup, Food, Lifespan & More! (3)

Perhaps the most defining feature of the Axolotl is the gills. The gills aren’t located on the sides of the body like they are with fish.

Instead, they are located on protruding crown-like appendages that branch out from the head!

Called rami, there are usually six appendages in total. They are positioned to the rear of the head, creating a very interesting look for the creature. Each appendage is covered in tiny gill filaments.

When it comes to color, there’s a lot of variety. This is especially true in the aquarium trade.

Wild Axolotyls typically take on shades of gray, brown, and green. They’re mottled, which helps the creature blend in with their surroundings.

There are several color variations available. You can get a Copper Axolotl, which has an orange hue with bright red gills. Then, there’s the melanoid black axolotl with its black skin and dark gills.

One of the most widespread morphs in the trade is the Leucistic Axolotl. It’s an albino variant with pinkish-white skin and bright red gills.

Average Size

The average size of an Axolotl is about 10 inches in length when fully grown. Some specimens will get up to 12 inches, but it’s not very common for specimens raised in captivity.

It’s been observed that Axolotls can get much larger in the wild. There’s something about being kept in captivity that tends to put a lower ceiling on their potential size.

Axolotl Care

As we mentioned earlier, Axolotl care isn’t too difficult as long as you understand their basic needs. For the most part, these creatures are hardy and unfussy.

Of course, there are still some strict care guidelines you need to follow. There’s no denying that Axolotls are a unique pet.

While they don’t have too many issues in captivity, you must provide the essentials. This includes creating a good habitat and a high-quality diet.

Tank Size

The recommended Axolotl tank size is at least 10 gallons. However, we always recommend going up to at least 20 gallons if you have the room.

These creatures are known to produce a lot of waste. While they can stay healthy in a smaller 10-gallon tank, you would have to be more proactive about changing the water to ensure that your Axolotl doesn’t get sick.

With a 20 or 30-gallon tank, ammonia and nitrate levels wouldn’t get out of control so quickly. Plus, it provides more room for the Axolotls to explore and play!

Author Note: It’s worth pointing out that a lot of the Axolotls that have lived the longest in captivity have been kept in a larger tank. Definitely food for thought!

Water Parameters

One of the most important parts of Axolotl care is staying on top of the water conditions.

Axolotls have permeable skin which makes them far more sensitive to extreme changes in the water than other creatures.

They do fine as long as you keep everything within an acceptable range. But if these parameters get out of hand, they’ll become susceptible to some health issues (more on that later).

Luckily, the ideal water parameters are relatively easy to achieve. The key to keeping your Axolotl happy and healthy is to replicate the warm waters of their natural habitat as closely as possible.

Here are some parameters to follow:

  • Water Temperature: 60°F to 64°F is ideal (this is a good cold water species)
  • pH Levels: Between 6.5 and 7.5
  • Water Hardness: 7 to 8 dKH (slightly hard)

To make sure the core parameters are in a good spot it’s always smart to perform regular water tests. This will keep you informed on the current state of the tank, and allow you to make any adjustments if a shift begins to occur.

Axolotl Tank Setup

In addition to getting the water conditions just right, you need to ensure that you have a well-decorated tank that works with the Axolotl’s needs.

Axolotl Care 101: Tank Setup, Food, Lifespan & More! (4)

In the wild, these creatures typically spend a lot of time at the bottom of the water column. So, you’ll need to pay close attention to the substrate.

The best substrate material for Axolotls is sand, and avoid traditional aquarium gravel.

These creatures are known to swallow small pieces of gravel, which can cause an intestinal blockage. If you do use gravel, make sure the pieces are bigger than the Axolotl’s head.

On top of the substrate, adorn the tank with plenty of hiding spaces. Axolotls especially like rocks and caves. You can also utilize pieces of driftwood and plastic decorations to create some safe spaces.

Live plants are always appreciated too. Axolotls do well with Anubias and Java fern.

Oh, and strong filtration is an absolute must. However, you have to be careful about the type of filter you use since Axolotls prefer still waters.

This means a standard canister filter may actually produce too much movement for their liking.

Hang-on-back filters with low-flow heads are usually the best bet. They break up the current to ensure that the water movement is as low as possible.

No matter what, make sure that you’re getting a filter that’s powerful enough to cycle the tank fully. Remember, Axolotls produce a lot of waste!

In addition to relying on your filter, you’ll need to perform 20 percent water changes every week to keep water conditions in good shape.

Author Note: Finally, make sure your tank has a lid! These creatures are notorious for jumping out of tanks whenever they get a chance.

While they do have lungs for breathing air, they are not equipped to survive out of the water. Make sure you have a tight lid with a lock to avoid any accidental deaths!

Potential Diseases

Despite their hardiness, Axolotls are not immune to stress-related diseases. Poor water conditions have been known to cause problems like bacterial infections and fungal infections.

If this occurs you may notice lethargy and a change in appetite. Sometimes, infections can manifest themselves physically through sores and irritation on the skin as well.

Another issue your Axolotl may encounter is impaction. This occurs when the salamander eats a small piece of gravel that they can’t digest. The gravel will get stuck in their system.

Both of these issues can be avoided with a proper tank setup and maintaining the habitat accordingly. Make sure to monitor water parameters regularly to avoid stress-related issues as well.

Food & Diet

Axolotls have a colorful diet in the wild. They will eat snails, fish, and even other amphibians. In captivity, they do best on protein-rich foods like earthworms, bloodworms, and brine shrimp.

It’s best to avoid live food like feeder fish and mice. While they will readily accept those snacks, they could introduce parasites into the tank and make your Axolotl sick.

Frozen woods work best.

The best way to feed an Axolotl is with long forceps or tweezers. Just place the food near the animal and they should have no problem seeing it and eating.

Axolotls should be fed two or three times a week. This might seem a little unusual at first if you’re used to a daily feeding schedule, but it’s totally normal for these creatures!

Behavior & Temperament

These creatures are honestly a complete joy to watch. They can also get quite active when they notice someone watching them!

Axolotl Care 101: Tank Setup, Food, Lifespan & More! (5)

Many Axolotls will swim around the tank and give you a little bit of a show. This is one of our favorite things about them.

When they’re not entertaining, Axolotls are quite calm and relaxed.

That is, however, unless they are kept with other creatures. Axolotls can actually get quite aggressive with fish and other animals in the tank. They have been known to attack and eat their tank mates.

Tank Mates

Axolotls should not be kept with any tank mates. This includes other Axolotls. Some owners have seen success in keeping bonding pairs together. But, you have to be very careful and keep a watchful eye on their behavior.

These animals are known to fight among one another. Cannibalistic behavior is pretty common. You might see two Axolotls fight and lose limbs.

The good news is that Axolotls have the ability to regenerate their limbs after injury. However, you should just avoid this issue altogether and keep them apart.

Axolotls are solitary creatures that do just fine when they are alone.

Author Note: It’s worth pointing out that some owners have had success keeping certain types of goldfish as Axolotl tank mates. We still don’t recommend giving this a shot, but it’s worth pointing it out in case you hear that recommendation from someone else.

Can You Take An Axolotl Out Of Water?

Despite what their appearance may lead you to believe, Axolotls should not be removed from the water.

In fact, they shouldn’t be handled at all!

Axolotls are very delicate. Most of their body is made up of cartilage rather than bone. As a result, they are prone to injuries.

If you must remove them, exercise caution and use a fine mesh net. They can be tough to catch, but it’s much safer to use a net than it is to use your hand.

Place them in a separate water tank and don’t leave them out of the water for any more than a few seconds.

Time To Go For It!

Now that you’re familiar with all the fundamentals of Axolotl care, there’s nothing stopping you from getting one as a pet!

And trust us, it’s worth it.

There’s really nothing like having one of these interesting creatures in your tank. We’re not lying when we say you’ll be just as entertained with them on year ten, as you are on year one.

We’ve talked to so many aquarists who’ve gotten an Axolotl and never looked back. They’re like cute little water puppies!

If you’re still a bit unsure about keeping one, we’re more than happy to help answer your questions (and give you a nudge). Just reach out to us on social media and get the conversation started!

Axolotl Care 101: Tank Setup, Food, Lifespan & More! (2024)


What do axolotls need in their tank? ›

In conclusion, axolotls need a well-maintained tank with good water quality, a suitable filtration system, an appropriate substrate, decorations and plants, and adequate lighting to thrive.

How often should I feed an axolotl? ›

How often should axolotls eat
Period of lifeFeeding frequencyIdeal food
JuvenileOnce each dayBrine shrimp/daphnia/bloodworms/pellets
Subadult3-4 times each weekBrine shrimp/daphnia/bloodworms/pellets/earthworms/ghost shrimp
Adult2-3 times each weekBrine shrimp/daphnia/bloodworms/pellets/earthworms/ghost shrimp
2 more rows
Nov 1, 2022

How to set up water for an axolotl? ›

Cycle the water before placing your axolotls inside.

This process takes 6 to 8 weeks on average, so make sure you prepare in advance. The tank will be cycled once the water conditions level out and become consistent. The pH of an axolotl tank should be anywhere from 6.5 to 8, but 7.4 to 7.6 is ideal.

How often do axolotls need water changes? ›

Regular partial water changes are important to ensure that your axolotl and plants remain healthy. Removing no more than 20-30% of the tank volume every 2 weeks is usually sufficient. When replacing the water it is important to ensure it is at the same temperature and quality as the water in the tank.

What is the best food to feed my axolotl? ›

Nightcrawlers are a popular choice with them tending to be an axolotl's favourite, with choices ranging from Canadian earthworms, European earthworms and red wigglers. Two alternatives to nightcrawlers though are blackworms and blood worms.

Do axolotls need sand or rocks in their tank? ›

They were lucky to not have any major health issues because of my mistake, but many are not so lucky. The ideal substrate for axolotls is sand. It can pass through even small individuals without any issues and provides them with something to comfortably grip as they roam through their aquarium.

How long can an axolotl go without eating in a tank? ›

Baby axolotls should be fed daily to support their growth and development. Adult axolotls need to eat less often, perhaps one or two servings every other day. In fact, they can do just fine for up to two weeks without eating any food (although this shouldn't be tried at home).

How long can an axolotl go without pooping? ›

If you are sure that your axolotl has not pooped for at least 10 days in addition to floating, then you may need to treat for constipation.

How to care for an axolotl for beginners? ›

Keep water at temperatures ranging from 60-64° F. Feed them daily, sometimes twice daily. Food can consist of frozen blood worms, small insects, or even salamander and newt food. Try not to put other animals in the tank with the animal as the axolotl will have a go at eating them.

Do axolotls need a bubbler? ›

You can also add air stones and bubblers to increase to oxygen in the water to help keep the axolotls gills healthy. Hides- Axolotls do not like the light and prefer dark spaces/caves to hide in.

Can I put tap water in my axolotl tank? ›

Chlorine, as found in tap water, is harmful to axolotls and so either a de-chlorinator must be used, or the water must be left to stand for 24 hours before adding it to the tank. If you live in an area in which chloramines are added to the water then a de- chlorinator is essential.

How deep should water be for axolotl? ›

Space. Aquariums must provide a minimum area of 60 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm per full-grown pair of axolotls. The water height should be 20–25 cm.

How do you know if your axolotl is stressed? ›

You can gauge whether an axolotl is stressed when it is not eating and when its gills are forward-curled. The best way to avoid this is by fitting a spray bar or flow-spreading outlet.

What to know before getting an axolotl? ›

Axolotls have a very heavy bio load, which means they produce a lot of waste, resulting in a lot of nitrate. The nitrate level is constantly rising in an aquarium, and it must be kept below 20 ppm at all times with partial water changes in order to not induce stress in axolotls.

How high maintenance are axolotls? ›

Axolotls make fantastic first amphibians, and due to their unusual appearance they make great talking points. Easy to care for, this species requires minimal maintenance and makes a great pet for both the young and old.

What do axolotls need to survive as a pet? ›

The optimum environmental temperature for axolotls is 16-18°C and should never exceed 24°C. The ideal water pH is 7.4-7.6. Chlorine, as found in tap water, is harmful to axolotls and so either a de-chlorinator must be used, or the water must be left to stand for 24 hours before adding it to the tank.

Do axolotls need an air pump? ›

If a sponge filter is used, it will require an air pump and airline tubing to function. Thermometers: In order to ensure that an axolotl is at the proper temperature, a thermometer is needed. We recommend having at least two thermometers in your aquarium at a time for increased accuracy.

Do axolotls need live plants? ›

Using a variety of plants can help encourage your axolotl to be more active and comfortable around their aquarium. Having live plants is a great way to add natural beauty to the aquarium. Plants come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes, which means there are endless possibilities for aquascaping!

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