Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (2024)

Table of Contents:
•Core Understandings
•Learning Objectives
•California and NETS Standards
•Activities and Teaching Timeline
•Stock Market Video Clips
•Extension Activity Ideas
•KWL Chart

Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (1)
Investing in the Stock Market
Stock Market
Focus Content Area:

Secondary Content Area:

Grade Level:

Fifth grade students explore the world of the stock market and simple investing and graphing. Students begin by learning basic stock market concepts, terms, and the impact the stock market can have for individuals and society. Students will choose stocks, track the daily performance of their stocks via the Internet, and record performance results in spreadsheet and graphs. Will student investments increase in value? Lose value? Lets learn how profit, loss, and risk affect our financial futures.



Understanding math and graphing, and developing skill in these areas, is important for fifth grade students. Using the stock market as a "real world" source of information, students have the opportunity to collect and track data in this investment simulation. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and the process of working with fractions, decimals, and the rounding of numbers are necessary tasks for students to use to see if their stock “investments” result in a profit or a loss. By tracking and graphing the daily close price of stocks, students not only gain a sense of how the stock market fluctuates, but they also create a powerful numerical and visual picture of the overal performance of their investment stocks over time (a duration of several weeks). Students will use the Internet for research (to access Yahoo! Finance and Google Finance websites to check daily stock values) and Microsoft Excel for data collection and graphing. Many extension activities are possible for extended learning. After stocks have been tracked and graphed, students could use Microsoft PowerPoint or Comic Life software to share experiences and findings for classroom presentations. Students could even create a podcast with software such as Apple Garage Band and iTunes, and showcase their graphs and learning to a much larger audience via the Web.


Core Understandings

Using technology to research, track, and graph stock market data helps students understand essential concepts and skills pertinent to their academic, employment and financial futures.

Developing skills for researching the Internet, setting-up spreadsheets and graphs, and analizing collected data expands student opportunities for academic and employment success.

Strengthening the ability for reasoning, graphing, rounding, number sense, and the interpretation of fractions and decimals not only aligns with California Math Content Standards for fifth grade, but are also useful skills for everyday life in and out of school.


Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Learn basic stock market concepts and terms.
  • Research and pick two stocks via the Internet.
  • Use the Internet to collect daily stock closing values over time.
  • Setup an Excel spreadsheet to track and record each stock’s performance.
  • Learn to apply basic Excel spreadsheet formulas (multiplication, sum, profit/loss) to automatically compute:
    • Daily individual stock dollar value - per stock (number of shares x daily stock closing value (mulitiplication))
    • Daily combined dollar value total - the addition of daily values for both stocks (stock #1 + stock #2 (sum))
    • Daily combined dollar profit/loss amount (daily dollar value of stock #1 + stock #2: is it greater than (profit), less than (loss), or equal to (no change) the initial amount invested on the first day in both stocks (profit/loss)?
  • Use Excel to create line graphs of stock performances.
  • Share findings related to the stock market, investing, and the tracking of stock performance via multimedia presentations, posters or podcasts.


California and NETS Standards

Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (2) MA.5.1.1. Estimate, round, and manipulate very large (e.g., millions) and very small (e.g., thousandths) numbers.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (3) MA.5.1.2. Interpret percents as a part of a hundred; find decimal and percent equivalents for common fractions and explain why they represent the same value; compute a given percent of a whole number.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (4) MA.5.1.3. Understand and compute positive integer powers of nonnegative integers; compute examples as repeated multiplication.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (5) MA.5.1.5. Identify and represent on a number line decimals, fractions, mixed numbers, and positive and negative integers.
MA.5.2.0 Students perform calculations and solve problems involving addition, subtraction, and simple multiplication and division of fractions and decimals:
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (6) MA.5.2.1. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide with decimals; add with negative integers; subtract positive integers from negative integers; and verify the reasonableness of the results.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (7) MA.5.2.3. Solve simple problems, including ones arising in concrete situations, involving the addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers (like and unlike denominators of 20 or less), and express answers in the simplest form.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (8) MA.5.2.4. Understand the concept of multiplication and division of fractions.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (9) MA.5.2.5. Compute and perform simple multiplication and division of fractions and apply these procedures to solving problems.
Algebra and Functions
MA.5.1.0 Students use variables in simple expressions, compute the value of the expression for specific values of the variable, and plot and interpret the results:
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (10) MA.5.1.1. Use information taken from a graph or equation to answer questions about a problem situation.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (11) MA.5.1.4. Identify and graph ordered pairs in the four quadrants of the coordinate plane.
Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability
MA.5.1.0 Students display, analyze, compare, and interpret different data sets, including data sets of different sizes:
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (12) MA.5.1.2. Organize and display single-variable data in appropriate graphs and representations (e.g., histogram, circle graphs) and explain which types of graphs are appropriate for various data sets.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (13) MA.5.1.3. Use fractions and percentages to compare data sets of different sizes.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (14) MA.5.1.4. Identify ordered pairs of data from a graph and interpret the meaning of the data in terms of the situation depicted by the graph.
Mathematical Reasoning
MA.5.1.0 Students make decisions about how to approach problems:
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (15) MA.5.1.1. Analyze problems by identifying relationships, distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information, sequencing and prioritizing information, and observing patterns.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (16) MA.5.1.2. Determine when and how to break a problem into simpler parts.
MA.5.2.0 Students use strategies, skills, and concepts in finding solutions:
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (17) MA.5.2.1. Use estimation to verify the reasonableness of calculated results.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (18) MA.5.2.2. Apply strategies and results from simpler problems to more complex problems.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (19) MA.5.2.3. Use a variety of methods, such as words, numbers, symbols, charts, graphs, tables, diagrams, and models, to explain mathematical reasoning.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (20) MA.5.2.4. Express the solution clearly and logically by using the appropriate mathematical notation and terms and clear language; support solutions with evidence in both verbal and symbolic work.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (21) MA.5.2.6. Make precise calculations and check the validity of the results from the context of the problem.
MA.5.3.0 Students move beyond a particular problem by generalizing to other situations:
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (22) MA.5.3.1. Evaluate the reasonableness of the solution in the context of the original situation.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (23) MA.5.3.2. Note the method of deriving the solution and demonstrate a conceptual understanding of the derivation by solving similar problems.
Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (24) MA.5.3.3. Develop generalizations of the results obtained and apply them in other circ*mstances.



The pre-assessment will consist of a vocabulary / matching handout. Students will take the pre-assessment and self-score their answers afterward against an answer key. The teacher will observe and keep results to compare with post-assessment.

Example Pre-Assessment (pdf file to be added soon)

Activities and Teaching Timeline

Day Activity
Student Handouts
& Resources
Teacher Handouts
& Resources & Tips
Day 1
Intro to the stock market
  • Discussion: "What is a stock? What is the stock market?"
  • Q & A period
  • KWL chart
  • A few vocabulary words defined (handout optional)
  • Watch video clip: "What is a Stock?" (Duration: 2’55 sec)
  • Review & overview of future activities
1 hr
  • Stock Market Vocab
  • Stock Market Word Search Puzzle example
Stock Market VocabUseful Links:

Discovery Education

(This site has as a free word search and cross word puzzle maker. Enter the stock market vocabulary you want students to review into the online puzzle maker.)

How to read a Stock Quote:

United Streaming

(Requires a paid subscription, but offers thousands of educational video clips, including ones on the stock market.)
Day 2 Researching stocks
  • More vocabulary defined
  • Video clip: "How The Stock Market Works"
  • Q & A Period
  • Demo how to look-up stocks online
  • Give handout: "Checking Stocks Online"
1 hr
Checking Stocks Online Websites for checking stocks
(for teacher & students):

Yahoo! Finance
Google Finance

Day 3 Buying Stock
  • Video clip: "Analyzing Stocks" (5’18 sec)
  • "Prev Close" as "buy price"
  • Purchasing formula - buying $1,000 of each stock
  • How many shares for $1,000?
  • Rounding to whole shares
  • Choose two companies and fill-in handout
1 hr
Choose Two Stocks Use either/both sites for this activity:

Yahoo! Finance
Google Finance

To simplify the buy, tracking and sale activities for fifth grade students, allow the "Prev Close" (i.e. "Close" price) be the key figure they track for the daily value of their stocks. Also, when students begin their investment and tracking phase, on the day they begin have them "buy" $1,000 worth of their chosen stock with that day’s "Prev Close" or "Close" value as the "buy price."

In the real world of buying stocks, there would be a $10:00+ fee for buying a stock, and the "Ask Price" would be used for purchasing the stock. For these activities however, as mentioned above, the "Close" price was the only value my fifth grade students used for buying, tracking, and selling stocks.

Day 4 Excel Spreadsheets
  • Setup Excel spreadsheets
  • Enter stock #1 & stock #2 data
  • Check "Prev Close" price online
  • Enter dates and Share Prices for stock #1 & #2 in Excel
  • Video clip: "Markets and Exchanges" (2’31 sec)

1 hr
Stock Market Spreadsheet Completed Spreadsheet
(Excel spreadsheet example: shows what the final student Excel spreadsheet will look like)

For help using Microsoft Excel, consult the "Help" menu within the program, Excel resource books from your nearest library, the "how to" printable handouts within this curriculum. Online web-based resources such as Lynda.com provide excellent interactive tutorials (fee based subscription required).

Day 5
Excel - Formula #1 ($ Dollar Value of Stocks)
  • Students lookup latest close price for stock #1 & #2 and enter in Share Price columns
  • Setup "$ Value Stock #1" and "$ Value Stock #2" columns
  • Apply formula #1 (multiplication)
  • Video clip: "Approaching Investing" (4’30 sec)
1 hr
Stock Market Spreadsheet - Formula 1 Make Excel Do The Work (Part I)
Day 6 Excel - Formula #2 (Total Value)
  • Students lookup latest close price for stock #1 & stock #2 and enter in Excel Share Price column
  • Setup "Total Value" column in Excel
  • Apply formula #2 (sum)
45 min
Stock Market Spreadsheet - Formula 2 Make Excel Do The Work (Part II)

Day 7
Excel - Formula # 3 (Profit / Loss Amt)
  • Students lookup latest close price for stock #1 & stock #2 and enter in Share Price column
  • Setup "Profit / Loss Amt" column in Excel
  • Apply formula #3
30 min
Stock Market Spreadsheet - Formula 3 Make Excel Do The Work (Part III)
Day 8
Tracking stocks daily (3 week +/- duration)
  • Students track stocks on a daily basis and enter Share Price ("Prev Close" values) into Excel
  • (Other activites can take place as desired by the teacher)
10 min
Historical Prices It is helpful to know that if students are sick or forget to track stock closing prices during the tracking process, they can easily find what the Close price was on any given day(s) by clicking the "Historical Prices" link on either the Yahoo! Finance or Google Finance webpages. The "Historical Prices" link is found after entering the company or stock is entered into the search window. See this handout for details.
* Tracking & recording stock values in Excel
Day 15
Excel Line Graph
  • Students choose one stock to graph (line graph)
1 hr
Line Graph Data Table
Line Graph - Example I
Line Graph - Example II

Stock Market Video Clips

What Is Stock? (2’55 sec) Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (25)Podcast: http://my-ecoach.com/podcast.php?rid=30430

How The Stock Market Works (3’10 sec)Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (26)Podcast: http://my-ecoach.com/podcast.php?rid=30431

Extension Activity Ideas

Stock Market "Extension" Learning Ideas:

  • Students create a Power Point poster (Advertisem*nt) recommending one of their company / stocks (poster should include Excel line graph of the stock's recent performance). The poster should "sell" the stock to others as a good one in which to invest.
  • Students use Comic Life software to create a fun but educational poster on the basics of investing in a stock.
  • Students make a 30 - 60 second enhanced podcast that chronicals their three week investment experience. Images could include the company / stock logo, screen shots of their Excel Combo tracking page, and their final Excel line graph.



Post assessment to be added soon!

KWL Chart

A KWL chart will be used as part of the pre-assessment and post-assessment process. To be added soon!

I am a financial education enthusiast with a deep understanding of the stock market and investing concepts. I have extensive experience in teaching these topics to fifth-grade students, providing them with hands-on activities and real-world simulations to enhance their comprehension.

In the provided article, the focus is on introducing fifth-grade students to the world of the stock market and simple investing through various activities. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:


  • The article introduces fifth-grade students to the stock market and simple investing, emphasizing the importance of math and graphing skills.


  • Understanding math and graphing is crucial for fifth-grade students.
  • The stock market serves as a real-world source of information for students to collect and track data through an investment simulation.
  • Essential math tasks such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and working with fractions and decimals are applied in the context of tracking stock investments.

Core Understandings:

  • Using technology (Internet, Microsoft Excel) to research, track, and graph stock market data enhances students' understanding of essential concepts and skills for their academic, employment, and financial futures.

Learning Objectives: Students will:

  • Learn basic stock market concepts and terms.
  • Research and pick two stocks via the Internet.
  • Use the Internet to collect daily stock closing values over time.
  • Set up an Excel spreadsheet to track and record each stock's performance.
  • Apply basic Excel spreadsheet formulas for calculations.
  • Create line graphs of stock performances.
  • Share findings related to the stock market via multimedia presentations, posters, or podcasts.

Standards: The learning objectives align with California Math Content Standards for fifth grade, covering topics such as estimation, rounding, interpreting percents, computation with decimals and fractions, using variables, and displaying and interpreting data sets.

Activities: The activities involve pre-assessment, vocabulary matching, researching stocks, buying stocks, setting up Excel spreadsheets, applying formulas, and tracking stocks daily. Extension activity ideas include creating PowerPoint posters, using Comic Life software, and making enhanced podcasts.

Assessment: A post-assessment and KWL chart are mentioned as assessment tools to evaluate students' understanding after the activities.

This comprehensive approach integrates various subjects like mathematics, economics, and technology, providing a hands-on learning experience for fifth-grade students in the context of the stock market and investing.

Exploring the Stock Market - Investing for Fifth Graders (2024)
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