How Much THC Is in a Dab, Bowl, and a Joint? - Vaping Vibe (2024)



  1. How Much THC Is in a Bowl?
  2. How Much THC Is in a Joint?
  3. How Much THC Is in Dabs?
  4. FAQs
    • How Long Do the Effects of THC Last?
    • What Are the Side Effects of Too Much THC?
    • What To Do if I Overdose on THC?
    • Joints Vs. Dabs: Which Is Better?
    • What’s an Unsafe Amount of THC To Consume?
    • What Are The Benefits of Taking Small amounts of THC?
  5. Wrapping Up

You should always know how much THC you’re consuming at one time when you smoke or eat cannabis. THC is the psychoactive compound in cannabis; it makes you feel high and relaxed. There are many ways you can consume cannabis—including via joints, edibles, or vaping devices. However, one thing remains crucial: how much THC you consume!

If you consume too little THC, you might not feel high or experience any health benefits; if you ingest too much THC, you may feel sick, paranoid, and restless.

Many factors will determine how much THC gets into your system. These include overall health, lung capacity, size, personal preference for how they inhale, and body weight. In addition, the strain you consume is critical for achieving the best effects.

In this article, we’ll discuss how much THC you’ll find in a dab, joint, or bowl:

How Much THC Is in a Bowl?

Two factors determine how much THC is in a bowl: the THC content of the strain you’re smoking and the size of the bowl. Of course, the amount of weed you fit into the bowl also determines the amount of THC; some bowls have larger capacities than others, and you’ll have to consider how big yours is.

So let’s break down how much THC you’d have in a bowl. A normal bowl contains around 0.25 grams of weed. If you purchased a high-quality weed with a THC content of 18% and one gram of weed equates to around 180mg of THC, you will have 45mg of THC in your bowl.

However, remember, you’ll likely lose around 60% of your THC due to combustion. So only around 18mg of THC will make it into your body. But these are only rough estimates; they can vary dramatically. All in all, dabs are more potent than a bowl for THC content.

How Much THC Is in a Joint?

You’ll likely encounter various issues when determining how much THC is in a joint; in fact, you’ll face the same problems with bowls and dabs. First, you must consider the weed potency, the loss of THC because of combustion, the size of the joint, etc.

A cannabis strain with 20% THC offers around 200 mg per gram. However, you’ll likely only inhale around 120mg in a joint because you’ll lose 40% due to combustion. In addition, the size of the joint may affect how much cannabis you consume. The average joint size includes around 0.32 grams of cannabis; as a result, you can multiply 0.32 by 120 mg to end up with 38.4mg of THC per joint.

Although this may not seem complicated, we’re not finished yet. For example, THC condenses towards the end when your joint is burning, meaning the first half of your joint is more potent than the second half. Therefore, the first half may only have 30mg of THC—whereas the second half may have 60mg of THC.

How Much THC Is in Dabs?

Dabbing is becoming highly popular for cannabis fans, and for a good reason. Those who dab THC will receive high concentrations of THC. It’s normal for concentrates, such as wax or shatters, to contain around 70% THC (far higher than other alternatives). In addition, the highest THC dabs have up to 90% THC.

Unfortunately, it can be hard to predict how much wax you’ll use every time you dab—so investing in a weighing scale could be an excellent option. It’ll ensure accuracy at least. Suppose you use a 0.5-gram dab with a THC content of 70%, you’ll likely end up with 235mg of THC per hit.

Of course, that’s if you finish the entire dab in one hit. However, regardless of the strength of the strain, you must always respect the potency of the dab. You will quickly regret it if you get carried away.

How Much THC Is in a Dab, Bowl, and a Joint? - Vaping Vibe (1)


How Long Do the Effects of THC Last?

In most cases, your body removes 80-90% of the THC 5 days after consumption. The remaining THC traces could last up to several extra days, so you can expect THC to be in your system for up to 10 days. However, various factors—including your height, body weight, and overall health—can determine how long THC stays in your system.

So, with that said, does that mean the effects of THC can last up to 10 days? No. The effects of THC, depending on the dosage, shouldn’t last longer than 6 hours. You may have THC in your system, but it’s not likely to affect you.

You might also be interested in our article on how long THC stays detectable in the body.

What Are the Side Effects of Too Much THC?

Are you worried about consuming too much THC? Although taking too much THC is rarely pleasant, it’s unlikely to cause any serious harm. The side effects will likely subside within 6-12 hours. The side effects, however, can be annoying and unpleasant.

The side effects may include:

  • High levels of anxiety
  • Panic attack
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Extreme confusion and memory problems
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucination
  • Difficulty conversing
  • Poor coordination
  • High or low blood pressure

If you have a milder overdose, you’re more likely to experience anxiety, nausea, and dizziness. Medical professionals sometimes refer to these symptoms as “greening out”. But don’t worry: these symptoms won’t last long, especially on a mild dose.

What To Do if I Overdose on THC?

So you haven’t calculated how much THC you’re using? You’re not alone. Sometimes, it can be hard to determine how much THC you’re consuming, especially with joints. The most important thing is to stay calm. Remember, the symptoms won’t kill you, and getting stressed will make the problem worse.

However, you may need to call 911 if the symptoms are severe. A medical professional can advise you on how to reduce symptoms safely. If your symptoms are mild, you can take a walk with friends, focus on positive thoughts, have a cold shower, drink lots of water, and watch TV. These activities can distract you from the symptoms.

Joints Vs. Dabs: Which Is Better?

So, which option is better for smokers: dabs or joints? In truth, it’s challenging to answer because it depends on personal preference. It’s almost like asking whether you prefer a Ferrari or a Lamborghini; both are great, but it’s down to personal preference.

But there’s one difference: dabbing is far more powerful than smoking a joint. Therefore, if you’re confident, experienced, and want the most potent high, you should dab instead of smoking a joint.

However, which one tastes better? Again, it’s hard to say. Some people swear by using dabs for a better taste, but others prefer joints because there’s a more extensive variety of flavors. A benefit of using joints over dabs is their simplicity. Dabs can be confusing when you first start dabbing, but joints are easy to use once you know how to roll.

What’s an Unsafe Amount of THC To Consume?

There are no official guidelines on the safe amount of THC to consume because it varies for everyone. Cannabis producers often set their guidelines on how much THC to consume. Some experts suggest starting with 2.5mg of THC, but they also say you shouldn’t consume more than 40mg daily.

Remember that THC content can vary between products and how you ingest it. Unfortunately, some cannabis companies report more THC in their products than there is. However, these are unreliable companies, and you should avoid them. If you’re considering taking THC, contact your doctor to see how much you should take.

Here’s a general breakdown of how much THC you should consume:

  • 1 – 2 mg THC: the best place to start for newbies.
  • 2 – 5 mg THC: this could be a low dose depending on your tolerance.
  • 5 – 10 mg THC: the most popular dose for normal cannabis consumers.
  • 10 – 50 mg THC: regarded as strong and for experienced consumers.
  • 50 mg THC and above: considered very strong and often reserved for medical patients.

What Are The Benefits of Taking Small amounts of THC?

If you’re considering taking small amounts of THC, you’re making a wise choice because there are many benefits. There is evidence to suggest small THC doses can help people battling AIDS and cancer patients because they can help people suffering from nausea during chemotherapy and help to manage muscle spasms. In addition, smoking THC is a standard treatment for chronic pain.

Find out more about the benefits of THC for pain relief.

Wrapping Up

Regardless of whether you love to smoke, dab, or vape cannabis—you should be wary of the amount of THC you consume per session. People who freak out after consuming heavy amounts of THC, especially through dabs, often find themselves in the hospital with many forgettable memories. Don’t let that be you.

In addition, your THC consumption levels depend highly on your tolerance levels. Begin with the smallest amount of THC and work your way up. That way, you’ll prevent any unwanted side effects. Some beginners, especially those who eat edibles, start with large doses of THC and soon regret it.

Either way, monitor your dose and enjoy your THC.

How Much THC Is in a Dab, Bowl, and a Joint? - Vaping Vibe (2024)


How many mg of THC would be in a joint? ›

How Much THC Is In A Typical Joint? The typical joint may contain between 40 to 200mg of THC, but sometimes they go higher. Pre-rolls tend to be popular because there isn't a need to do the math, since the professionals do it for you.

What percentage of THC is good for a joint? ›

The average THC concentration in today's strains is around 12%, which is about 3-4 times as potent as strains a couple decades ago. Using these numbers, this means that your typical pre-roll will have approximately 100mg of THC. Some strains have a THC concentration upwards of 25%. The bottom line is, a lot!

How many dabs is one joint? ›

Dabs aren't natural; they are potent, potentially lethal chemicals. Dab is to marijuana what crack is to cocaine. Depending on potency, one dab is like smoking three to five joints at once. For example, an edible brownie contains one serving of THC which is 10 milligrams.

How much dab is enough? ›

Thus, an extremely small portion of a dab is enough to do the trick — perhaps 1/25th of a gram to start. As your tolerance grows, or your desire for a stronger high ensues, increase the dosage carefully. Because dabs are so highly concentrated, it doesn't take much to feel the effects.

What is considered a big dab? ›

The rice grain method of determining dab size is one that everyone understands, because we all know how big a grain of rice is. To be clear, we're talking white short-grain rice, not your long-grain basmati. A half-grain is a modest amount to start with, while two grains in dab size is generally considered excessive.

How long does 1 dab last? ›

Depending on how much dab vapor is inhaled, the effects can last anywhere from 2 to 12 hours. Furthermore, the TCH found in dabs can remain in the body for as long as four weeks if you only dabbed once.

Is a dab equal to a joint? ›

Dabs vs Joints: Potency

Besides, inhaling a dab could provide ten times the amount of THC as a joint, which is damn potent. For that reason, first-time and inexperienced smokers would probably want to wait until they have developed tolerance before they can try dabbing.

Is A dab stronger than a joint? ›

Often referred to as the crack of cannabis, the main difference between dabbing and smoking weed is in the potency and onset of effects. While smoking weed hits you quite quickly, the effects of wax and shatter are felt near-instantaneously. With up to 90% THC content, dabbing also delivers a much more powerful high.

How much stronger is a dab than a joint? ›

This substance is practically THC in concentrate form. (THC is the active ingredient in marijuana.) Because of this, the substance is much more potent than any average joint. In fact, the average joint can have up to a 20% THC level while the average dab can contain anywhere from 50% to 95% of this ingredient.

How many dab hits to be high? ›

If you don't smoke a lot 1–4 hits will get you pretty high but if you do smoke a lot I would say 3–7 hits will do the job.

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