Illinois Alpha Delta Kappa (2024)

Welcome to Illinois Alpha Delta Kappa, International Honorary Organization for Women Educators

Illinois Alpha Delta Kappa (1)

Congratulations to our new Illinois Alpha Delta Kappa State President,

Dawn Pelton!

Illinois Alpha Delta Kappa (2)Cash Flow (formerly C-1) PDF blank pg to print (2).pdf

Illinois Alpha Delta Kappa (3)DPR Submission Guildelies & Score Sheet.pdf

June 15 to August 15

Distinguished Program Award submissions open on June 15th and must be submitted on before August 15. See above for information about the program and scoring rubric.

Copy and paste this address into your web browser to take you to the application:

August 30

Chapter and State Treasurer Cashflow reports due (former C1) - See above for the forms

October whole month

Alpha Delta Kappa Month

October 1

Yearbooks sent in mail or electronically to state president - Dawn Pelton

Classroom grant applications due - Complete applications online at the International website - Click on Foundation - Click Grants & Scholarships - Click on Classroom Grant - The Alpha Delta Kappa (AΔK) Classroom Grant is designed to assist creative, innovative A∆K educators with the cost of materials and services for their classroom lessons.

October 15

CNA (Chapter Needs Assessment) - Due to Headquarters - Link to form to complete:

990E postcard - Chapter Treasurer complete online - contact Headquarters or State Treasurer Lorri Lund with questions

Regional Mini Fall Scholarship - Applications need to be submitted by Oct. 15 - The Regional Mini Scholarship Fall/Spring is designed to provide funds for attendance at non-AΔΚ sponsored conferences, conventions, seminars, workshops and non-degree classes. Graduate and doctoral studies are not included. The goals are to promote continuing professional development, provide personal and professional enrichment opportunities, and encourage commitment to educational excellence for members actively engaged in education and retired. Submit application online at the International Website - Click on Foundation - Click on Grants & Scholarships - Click on Regional Mini Scholarships

November 15

Innovation Grant Deadline

The Alpha Delta Kappa (AΔK) Innovation Grant is designed to assist creative, innovative educators who are not members of A∆K with the cost of materials and services for their classroom lessons.

Available to - Non - Members with no more than ten years of teaching experience. Recommendation by an Alpha Delta Kappa member required. $300 per grant. 35 awards available for funding.

Illinois Alpha Delta Kappa (4)

Who are Alpha Delta Kappa Sisters?

Membership Benefits

  • Friendship, support and association with professional peers

  • Honor and recognition of professional achievement

  • Professional and personal growth and development opportunities

  • Informative publications and peer-reviewed publication opportunities

  • Leadership development opportunities and training

  • Extensive members-only website

  • Scholarship and travel opportunities

  • Group insurance programs

In the past two years alone, Alpha Delta Kappa members have given nearly 12 million dollars in monetary and other gifts, nearly 2 million dollars in scholarships and have provided more than 2 million hours of volunteer service to their communities. Opportunities for professional and personal networking abound in Alpha Delta Kappa. From state/provincial/national conventions and regional conferences every even-numbered year to International conventions every odd-numbered year, talented women educators gather to share ideas, fellowship, recognition and support. Alpha Delta Kappa conferences and conventions feature informative and inspirational seminars by some of the most effective and renowned speakers today.


Alpha Delta Kappa is an international honorary organization of women educators dedicated to educational excellence, altruism and world understanding.


  • To give recognition to outstanding women educators.

  • To build a fraternal fellowship among women in the field of education which will add to their effectiveness in the promotion of excellence in education.

  • To promote high standards of education and thereby strengthen the status and advancement of the education profession.

  • To promote educational and charitable projects and activities, to sponsor scholarships, to further and maintain worthy standards in the field of education and to cooperate with worthy community programs relating to education and charities.

  • To contribute to world understanding, goodwill, and peace through an international fellowship of women educators united in the ideals of education.

More than 33,000 women educators around the world have discovered the many opportunities provided by membership in Alpha Delta Kappa — opportunities for recognition of their commitment to educational excellence, for personal and professional growth and for collectively channeling their energies toward the good of their schools, communities, the teaching profession and the world.

Headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, Alpha Delta Kappa has more than 1,300 chapters located in towns and cities in every state in the U.S., and around the world in Australia, Canada, Jamaica, Mexico and Puerto Rico.

Membership, which is honorary and based on peer recognition, provides a wealth of opportunities for leadership development and networking through workshops, training sessions, conferences and conventions. But, perhaps the greatest opportunity Alpha Delta Kappa provides is the opportunity to make a difference. Around the world, Alpha Delta Kappa members combine their energies and talents to enrich their lives and the lives of others through thousands of heartwarming, community-based altruistic projects.

Alpha Delta Kappa

International Honorary Organization for Women Educators

1615 W 92nd St

Kansas City, MO 64114

(816) 363-5525

(800) 247-2311

FAX (816) 363-4010

Illinois Alpha Delta Kappa (2024)


What is the purpose of Alpha Delta Kappa? ›

Alpha Delta Kappa is an international honorary organization of women educators dedicated to educational excellence, altruism and world understanding. To give recognition to outstanding women educators.

What does Delta Kappa Alpha stand for? ›

The founders determined that each letter would stand for cinema's basic arts–Dramatic (Delta), Kinematic (Kappa), and Aesthetic (Alpha). Two years later, in March, 1938, they established the National Board of Officers, with Jack McClelland serving as the first National President.

What are the colors of alpha delta kappa? ›

We strive to develop well-rounded women of God who possess characteristics of servant-leadership, social etiquette, loyalty, integrity, and faith.
  • COLORS: Turquoise, Black & White.
  • FLOWER: Sunflower.
  • MASCOT: Hummingbird.

Why do people join Alpha Kappa Alpha? ›

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® seeks women who will promote, uphold, and extend its policies and programs. In return, the Sorority is a conduit through which individuals can grow and develop, personally and professionally while simultaneously providing “Service to All Mankind.”

What are Alpha Kappa Alpha known for? ›

Alpha Kappa Alpha's mission is to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, to promote unity and friendship among college women, to study and help alleviate problems concerning girls and women in order to improve their social stature, to maintain a progressive interest in college life, and to be of ...

How to get into Delta Kappa Alpha? ›

The rush process for Delta Kappa Alpha is a week-long process with events each night. Rushees are encouraged to attend as many events as they can the week of rush to determine if DKA is the place for them. At the end of the week, rushees may be offered a 'bid,' a formal offer of membership to join Delta Kappa Alpha.

What celebrity was a Kappa Delta? ›

Notable members
Donna J. StoneLambda (Northwestern University)Philanthropy and Service
Leigh Anne TuohyAlpha Mu (University of Mississippi)Arts and Entertainment
Mari WilenskyBeta Pi (University of Florida)Arts and Entertainment
Debbie Maffett WilsonGamma Rho (Sam Houston State)Arts and Entertainment
35 more rows

Is Kappa a top tier sorority? ›

Kappa Kappa Gamma (“Kappas”) is known for being a sorority of rich girls. Their reputation varies from campus to campus, but they are universally considered top-tier.

What colors do aka wear? ›

Salmon Pink and Apple Green are the official colors of Alpha Kappa Alpha.

What is the name of the teacher's sorority? ›

Phi Delta Kappa was officially incorporated on May 23, 1923, as a sorority for women in the field of education. Its founders were Julia Asbury Barnes, Ella Wells Butler, Marguerite Gross, Florence Steele Hunt, Edna McConnell, Gladys Cannon Nunery, Gladys Merritt Ross, and Mildred Morris Williams.

What color does Delta sorority wear? ›

Sorority Colors and Greek Gear
SororityOfficial ColorsGreek Gear Product Match
Delta Delta DeltaBlue/Gold/SilverRoyal/Gold
Delta GammaBronze/Pink/BlueBlue/Pink
Delta Phi EpsilonRoyal Purple/Pure GoldPurple/Gold
Delta Sigma ThetaCrimson/CreamRed/White
26 more rows
Oct 9, 2023

What is the mission statement of Delta Kappa Alpha? ›

Our Mission

The mission of Delta Kappa Alpha is to foster lifelong character, collaborative and creative storytelling, ethical and productive business practices, philanthropic action, and fellowship by and between students of the cinematic arts.

What is the purpose of Kappa Alpha? ›

This fraternity strives to unite college men of culture, patriotism, and honor in a bond of fraternity; to encourage honorable achievement in every field of human endeavor; to promote the spiritual, social, intellectual, and moral welfare of its members; to assist the aims of colleges and universities; and to inspire ...

What is the motto of ADK? ›

We pledge to strive to the utmost, always maintaining firm resolve. No matter what obstacles present themselves we will find a way to overcome them. Success consists of the willingness to persist until one has succeeded.

What is the Kappa Delta Sorority known for? ›

Kappa Delta offers support for leadership development, personal growth, academic success, and community service, all in the context of true friendship. Kappa Delta is active in a number of philanthropic endeavors, including the prevention of child abuse and confidence-building programming with Girl Scouts of the USA.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.