Nutritional Guidelines Gastric Bypass Diet (2024)

These guidelines are designed for use after gastric bypass surgery. The stomach pouch created by surgery is the size of a large walnut. You will be on a liquid or semiliquid consistency dietfor four weeks to allow​healing of the stomach pouch. These guidelines will help keep you healthy while losing weight.

It is vital that you make healthy food choices and lifestyle choices, and that youexercise after surgery. This will help you:

Advances in your eating should be made only with the approval of your surgeon and dietitian.

Stage 1: Clear liquids — One day after surgery.

Stage 2: Puréed food— Oneto two days after surgery. Follow for four weeks.

Stage 3: Semisolid food— Begin when directed by your physician and dietitian. Usually starts fourweeks after surgery.

Stage 4: Low-fat solid food —Start when directed by your physician and dietitian. Begin gradually introducing solidfoodsabout three months after surgery.

About one day after surgery, you will be started on sips of clear liquids (apple juice, orange juice, water, flat diet soft drinks, sugar-free Jell-O, broth, etc.). If you tolerate clear liquids, the next day you will be advanced topuréed food.

All foods must be puréed in a blender and thinned to a texture that will fit through a straw. However, do not use straws as it may increase gas.

All foods must be the consistency of applesauce for four weeks. You should consume 72 grams of protein per day.

You will start with small amounts of these liquids/puréed foods because you will feel full quickly. At first, you will have to eat small amounts frequently. Begin with 2 to 4ounces at a time, and aim for six meals per day. Eventually, you will be able to eat four to six meals of 4 ounces each.

Eat slowly. It should take 30 minutes to eat and drink 4 ounces (1/2 cup).


At least 8 cups of caffeine-free, low-calorie liquids should be consumed gradually throughout the day to prevent dehydration. These liquids should be sipped in between meals. Do not drink liquids with meals, and wait 30 to 45 minutes after a meal to begin drinking fluids again.

  • Water, or sugar-free or zero-calorie flavored water
  • Diet fruit drinks, less than 10 calories per serving
  • Decaffeinated tea (limit to 8 ounces/day)
  • Decaffeinated coffee (limit to 8 ounces/day)
  • Skim milk
  • Sugar-free flavored drink mix

Vitamins and Mine​rals

A multivitamin with minerals, which includes iron and zinc, should be taken daily for the rest of your life to prevent hair loss, improve overall nutrition and prevent any nutritional deficiencies. During the first four weeks after surgery, we recommend a chewable vitamin/mineral supplementsuch asFlintstone's chewable twice a day, and then advance to a pill form of a multivitamin with minerals if you desire.

You will also be required to take a calcium supplement (example: Calcium Citrate600 milligrams, three timesper day) starting during the first month after surgery and a vitamin B12 supplement (example: sublingual B12, 1,000 micrograms, three times per week) starting immediately after surgery. Additional vitamin and mineral supplements will be recommended based on lab results and food intake/tolerance to prevent any nutritional deficiencies.​

Medications may be taken in chewable or pill form four weeks after surgery.​

Food and Drinks to Avoid

Concentrated sugars, high-fat foods, fried foods and alcohol can cause vomiting and/or diarrhea (dumping syndrome) so avoid:

  • Candy, including chocolate
  • Sweets
  • Regular soft drinks
  • Honey
  • Flavored drink mixes
  • Molasses
  • Cakes
  • Preserves
  • Sherbet
  • Ice cream
  • Alcohol (including beer)
  • Doughnuts
  • Fried foods

Different people have different foods they can and cannot tolerate. Do not be disturbed if you find some foods do not agree with you at first. You may be able to tolerate those foods later.

​Sample Gastric Bypass Liquid/Semiliquid Menu

The menu below is just an example. You will work with your dietitian to learn more about food options. At first, you may have to eat more frequent meals and consume smaller amounts at each meal. Try to take in 24 ounces (3cups) of nutritious liquids or puréed consistency food every day.

​​Consistency of all food during Stage 2 should be similar to applesauce.

Breakfast:​6 to 8 ounces no sugar-added Carnation Breakfast Essentials®mixed with skim milk
​​​Snack:1/2cup cottage cheese

Lunch:Blend 1/3 cup fat-free refried beans and 1 ounce of melted fat-free/reduced-fat cheese

Snack:4 ounces blended light yogurt

Supper:Blend 1/4cup meat, 1/4cup low-fat​​cream soup, 2 tablespoons nonfat skim milk powder

Snack:1 cup skim milk with 2 tablespoons of nonfat dry milk powder

Between meals at least 8 cups of caffeine-free, low-calorie liquids, should besipped slowly during the day.

Tips for the first four weeks:

  1. Keep food records.This will help you monitor your intake and tolerance to foods. Look for patterns of foods tolerated well and foods that are not tolerated well. The records will also be helpful for your dietitian to provide suggestions for better tolerance or nutrient balance.

    Track the following:
    1. Time you ate
    2. Type of food (e.g.,baked chicken without skin)
    3. Amount eaten (e.g., 1/2chicken breast or 1/2cup yogurt)
    4. How your food was prepared (e.g., baked with broth). Be sure to include any butter, oil, grease or margarine that was added to the food.
    5. Grams of protein.Look on food labels, handouts in your patient notebook, the internet or books to determine thetotal protein intake.
  2. Use ice cube trays.Each cube holds about 2 ounces. This will help you control portion sizes. Try preparing reduced-fat cream soups or puréed meats and vegetables and store item in the trays.
  3. Limit food to 2 to 4 ounces per meal.Protein comes first.
  4. Aim for four to six small meals per day.
  5. Drink at least 6 to 8 cups (48 to 64 ounces) of fluid per day.​Liquids should besipped between meals. Avoid fluids with meals, and wait 30 to 45 minutes after ameal to begin your fluid intake throughout the day.

If you are havin​g trouble tolerating puréed food:

  1. Try slowing the speed of your eating.
  2. Decrease your portion size.

How to blend food:

  1. Cut food into small pieces about the size of your thumbnail.
  2. Place food in the blender.
  3. Add liquid such as skim milk, broth or fat-free gravy to cover the blades.
  4. Blend until puréed and smooth like applesauce.
  5. Strain out the lumps, seeds or pieces of food.
  6. Use spices and seasonings (avoid spicy ones such as hot sauce and cayenne pepper) to add flavor.

Puréed baby food can be used instead of blended foods. Only meat (puréed beef, pork, chicken) baby foods contain protein.

Stage ​3: Semisolid Consistency Foods​

Four weeks after surgery with the approval of your surgeon, the dietitian will review guidelines on how to successfully introduce semisolid consistency foodswithout nausea and vomiting. At this point, you will advance to soft and easily tolerated foods.

Focus on protein first at meals, and avoid foods that are high in fat and sugar, and difficult to digest. You may still need to consume protein from skim milk or supplements as between meal snacks until you are able to tolerate enough semisolid foods to meet your protein needs. Remember to add one new food at a time, and observe your reaction to it.

Food Examples

  • Cooked eggs, any type except fried
  • Casseroles, such as macaroniand cheese, or tuna with light mayo (limited)
  • Chopped lean meat (except red meat)
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Cooked vegetables (peeled)
  • Beans and legumes
  • Softened cold cereal (non-sugar coated)
  • Hot cereals made with skim milk
  • Canned fruits (in their own juices or water)
  • Skim milk
  • Unsweetened instant breakfast
  • Canned chicken
  • Soft fish
  • Shredded or soft, low-fat cheese
  • Light yogurt

Eating Guidelines​

  • Eat three small meals and two snacks per day.
  • Each meal should not exceed the volume of 6ounces.
  • Eat and drink slowly. Take at least 1/2 hour to eat a meal.
  • Take small bites, and chew very well. Sip on liquids during meals if needed only, but don't drink large amounts during meals (limit to 1 ounce offluid per meal).
  • Continue to drink low-calorie liquids between meals – at least 8 cups per day.
  • Continue to take the vitamin/mineral supplement everyday and introduce a calcium and vitamin B12supplement.
  • Avoid red meats.
  • Avoid raw vegetables and raw fruits with skins at this stage in your diet progression.
  • Avoid nuts and popcorn.
  • Avoid all fibrous foods (may cause blockage).
  • Avoid high-calorie beverages such as soft drinks, juices, milkshakes and protein drinks.
  • Keep in mind that you are "re-educating" your stomach. When you eat too fast, too much or don't chew enough, you will feel discomfort and vomit.

Sample Semisolid Menu

Breakfast:1/2cup oatmeal made with skim milk and 2 tablespoons dry milk powder

Snack: 1 cup skim milk

Lunch:​​2 ounces of lean meat (such as turkey, low-fat ham), 1 slice of reduced-fat/fat-free cheese,1/2whole wheat tortilla, optional: nonfat skim milk powder can be mixed in skim milk to increase protein

Snack:1/4cup low-fat cottage cheese with canned (no sugar added) peaches

Supper:1/3 cup tuna and 1/4cup cooked vegetables

Snack:1 cup skim milk with 2 tablespoons non-fat dry milk powder (if needed)

Between meals drink at least 64 ounces (8 cups) of low-calorie liquids slowly during the day.

Stage 4: Low-Fat, Solid Food​

Begin when directed by your physician and dietitian about three months after surgery. Again, add​ onenew food at a time, and observe your reaction to it. Add breads last because they tend to form a ball, which will not go through the pouch easily. You can experiment with red meat, raw vegetables and raw fruits with skins. Remember to chew all food very well, and sip limited amounts of liquids with meals, less than one ounce if necessary.

Select a balanced meal plan, choosing foods from all groups inMyPlate.This is the time to develop your lifelong meal plan and exercise routine. Avoid sugar, sweets and desserts. Also avoid high-fat foods such as cream soups, gravy, butter, fried foods and fast foods.

Nutrition Information

A well-balanced meal plan is very important. Eat foods from all food groups:

  • Dairy products (low-fat milk and light yogurt)
  • Beans and legumes
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Lean meat and eggs
  • Whole wheat bread and whole grain products, such as cereals, brown rice and oatmeal


Protein is important, especially to help with healing after surgery, andto help prevent hair loss and loss of lean muscle mass. As your body adjusts tothe change made during surgery and torapid weight loss, you may experience some hair loss three to six months after surgery. Hair loss may also beis related to poor protein, iron and zinc intake, andcertain medications. To improve nutrition and help avoid hair loss,focus on eating protein first at meals including:

  • Skim or 1 percent milk
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Low-fat or nonfat yogurt with artificial sweeteners
  • Egg whites
  • Low-fat cheese
  • Oatmeal and Cream of Wheat made with skim milk
  • Fish
  • Chicken and turkey
  • Other lean meats (pork tenderloin, extra lean ground beef)
  • Legumes (dried beans)
  • Nonfat dry milk powder (added to casseroles, soups, hot cereals, etc.)
  • Soy products

You may not be able to tolerate meat or poultry after your surgery. Until you are able to eat meat and poultry, you must get protein from the other protein sources.

It is recommended that you take avitamin/mineral supplement with iron and zinc daily. Any additional vitamin/mineral supplements will be recommended by your surgeon and dietitian based on your food intake and lab values.


To help with weight loss and lifelong weight maintenance, remember to limit your fat and calorie intake. Limit/avoid these high-fat foods and beverages, except in small amounts:

  • Olives (healthy fat)
  • Nuts (healthy fat)
  • Avocados (healthy fat)
  • Regular mayonnaise
  • Sour cream
  • Creamcheese
  • Pie crust
  • Whole milk
  • Butter, margarine
  • Hot dogs
  • Peanut butter (healthy fat)
  • Granola (some are high fat)
  • Muffins
  • Coleslaw
  • Whole milk cheese
  • Potato salad, pasta salads
  • Snack crackers
  • Ice cream
  • Shortening, lard
  • Fatback
  • Regular salad dressings
  • Sauces
  • Fried foods
  • Bacon, sausage, bologna
  • Potato chips
  • Doughnuts
  • All oils (use olive or canola oil in moderation)
  • Gravy
  • Regular soft drinks, high-sugar drinks

Learn to read food labels for fat content. Aim for no more than 35 grams of fat per day. If you do not understand food labels, our dietitian will teach you.

Nutritional Guidelines
            Gastric Bypass Diet (2024)


Nutritional Guidelines Gastric Bypass Diet? ›

Recommended Meal Plan for Two to Six Months Post-Surgery

What are the nutrition practice guidelines for bariatric patients? ›

Eat protein foods first, followed by vegetables, fruits then grains. 64 oz of fluid per day (including protein drinks) sipped between meals. Avoid fluids during meals and wait 30 minutes after meals to resume drinking fluids. All foods must be soft or cooked to a soft consistency.

How do you get enough nutrients after gastric bypass? ›

You will need to make sure you are getting enough protein, vitamins, and minerals while you are losing weight quickly. Eating mostly protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will help your body get the nutrients it needs. Protein may be the most important of these foods early after surgery.

What is a regular diet after gastric bypass? ›

Eat and drink slowly, to avoid dumping syndrome — which occurs when foods and liquids enter your small intestine rapidly and in larger amounts than normal, causing nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating and diarrhea. Eat lean, protein-rich foods daily. Choose foods and drinks that are low in fats and sugar.

How many calories should a gastric bypass patient eat a day? ›

Most long-term post-op bariatric patients find they need to limit their total caloric intake to less than 1,000 calories per day to maintain their weight-loss. Eat slowly. Foods should be eaten slowly. Since most bariatric patients were fast eaters in their previous life, this can be a difficult behavior to change.

How many carbs should a bariatric patient eat per day? ›

They are typically what you think of when you hear the word “carb”—desserts, sodas, bread, pasta, and chips. We recommend that our bariatric patients who are greater than a year out from surgery stick to 50 to 75 grams of carbs a day and, more importantly, less than 15 tsp of sugar a day for sustained weight loss.

What is the 2 week diet before bariatric surgery? ›

Approximately two weeks before surgery, your doctor will start you on a full-liquid, low-carbohydrate diet.

Is there anything you can never eat again after bariatric surgery? ›

But what can you not eat after gastric bypass? Firstly, avoid foods that are high in sugar or fat. This could include bread, pasta, pizza, and cookies. And avoid carbs or excess sodium while you're still healing, for several weeks.

What happens if you don't get enough protein after gastric bypass? ›

Without an adequate amount of proteins in the diet, the body can begin to show signs of a deficit. Increased Hunger: Cravings and poor food choices can be accelerated with irregular eating patterns and skipping meals. Unlike carbohydrates which provide the body with quick energy, proteins take longer to digest.

What are the signs of malnutrition after gastric bypass? ›

The earliest indication of deficiency is often hair loss. In severe cases, deficiencies can lead to edema, emaciation, anemia, altered hair texture, and hypoalbuminemia. Thiamine deficiency poses a long-lasting risk for individuals who have undergone bariatric surgery.

Can you ever eat a full meal again after gastric bypass? ›

After around 7 to 8 weeks you should be able to resume a normal solid food diet. Your gastric sleeve will allow you to eat almost any type or texture of food. You should aim for three well balanced meals each day.

What foods make you dump after gastric bypass? ›

Foods that are high in sugar are likely to cause dumping syndrome. This is because high amounts of sugar draw more water into the small intestine and can move gastric contents faster. High fat foods can also cause dumping syndrome in some people.

What is the best breakfast after gastric bypass? ›

5 High-Protein Bariatric Breakfast Ideas to Keep You Full
  • Greek Yogurt Parfait with Berries and Nuts. This breakfast option is not only high in protein, but also packed with fiber and antioxidants. ...
  • Cottage Cheese and Fruit Bowl. ...
  • Protein Smoothie with Spinach and Almond Butter. ...
  • Turkey Sausage and Egg Muffins.

What nutrients are deficient in gastric bypass patients? ›

In a study conducted on subjects during the first year following a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), which is a malabsorptive method, vitamin A deficiency in 11% of patients, vitamin C deficiency in 34.6% of patients, vitamin D deficiency in 7% of patients, thiamine deficiency in 18.3% of patients, riboflavin deficiency ...

How many Oz should a gastric bypass patient eat? ›

Especially when factoring in exercise and activity level. Below is a table that outlines the recommended portion sizes for long term weight loss success. Ultimately, the goal is to keep portions at each of your 3 daily meals to be around 4-6 ounces in total.

What are the guidelines for bariatric gastric surgery? ›

Who is a Candidate for Bariatric and Weight Loss Surgery
  • Body weight greater than 100 pounds or 45 kg above ideal weight.
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 40 or BMI greater than 35 with medical complications related to obesity, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea and gallbladder disease.

What are the nutrition goals for bariatric patients? ›

For balanced nutrient intake, your daily servings should include:
  • 3 servings milk and dairy products (nonfat and low-fat)
  • 3 servings meat or meat alternative (lean and low-fat)
  • 3 servings starch (limit bread and rice)
  • 1 serving fruit (avoid dried fruits and fruits with skin)
  • 2 servings vegetable (well-cooked only)

What is the dietary advice following bariatric surgery? ›

Eat 3 meals each day and if you feel hungry between your meals, then have a snack. Use a side plate for your main meals, and fill ½ of your plate with protein rich foods. Start with 3-4tbsp at meal times and stop eating at the first signs of fullness or if you feel uncomfortable.

What are healthy nutrition practices & guidelines? ›

Eating a wide variety of healthy foods helps to keep you in good health and protects you against chronic disease. Eating a well-balanced diet means eating a variety of foods from each of the 5 food groups daily, in the recommended amounts. It is also important to choose a variety of foods from within each food group.

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.