When focusing on the main objectives, Pokemon Recharged Pink is about35 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 60 Hoursto obtain 100% completion.
Pokemon Recharged Pink is a GBA Rom Hack by Jaizu based on Pokemon Emerald. Pokemon Recharged Pink is a variation of Pokemon Recharged Yellow, tailored for players who don’t require compatibility with Generation 3 games. It features Clefairy as your starter Pokemon, removes connection features and includes a cheat menu accessible through the Player’s computer.
You can download the Pokemon Recharged Pink rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.
You need to download and install Visual Boy Advance and then load the rom.
For detailed instructions per device, view below.
- Windows
- Mac
- Linux
- Android
Download the official Pokemon Recharged Pink ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GBA ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Pokemon Recharged Pink ROM or GBA file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.
Additional Information
Pokemon Recharged Pink is a GBA Rom Hack by Jaizu based on Pokemon Emerald. It was last updated on November 05, 2024.
Also, be sure to check out Romanmon.
Pokemon Recharged Pink is a variation of Pokemon Recharged Yellowand Pokemon Recharged Emerald tailored for players who don’t require compatibility with Generation 3 games. This version removes connection features and includes a cheat menu accessible through the Player’s computer. For a detailed list of changes, see below.
Changes vs. Pokemon Recharged Yellow
- Clefairy is your starter Pokémon.
- The Pokédex features a pink UI.
- Save files are not compatible between the two.
- No ability to connect to other games.
- No game label in the Pokémon summary screen.
- A cheat menu in the Player’s computer allows access to items, Pokémon, and editing IVs/EVs.
- The default textbox color is pink instead of blue.
- Battle UI now features a pink/purple textbox instead of an orange one.
- Pikachu can be caught in the Viridian Forest.
- Changes to the battle engine
- Ghost-type is now Special & Dark-type and Dragon-type are now Physical.
- Some trainers have modified movesets to align with the type changes.
Changes to the battle engine
- The Ghost-Type is now special and the Dark-Type and Dragon-Type are now Physical
- Due to the type changes, some trainers have their movesets altered compared to Recharged Yellow.
Changes to Base Stats
- [015] Beedrill has 90 attack (previously 80)
- [035] Clefairy has 50 Attack and 45 Speed (previously 45 and 35)
- [036] Clefable has 95 Sp. Attack (previously 85)
- [040] Wigglytuff has 80 Attack, 55 Defense, 80 Sp. Attack and 80 Sp. Defense(previously 70, 45, 75, 50)
- [045] Vileplume has 110 Sp. Attack (previously 100)
- [047] Parasect has 80HP and 80 Sp. Attack (previously 60 and 60)
- [062] Poliwrath has 90 Sp. Attack (previously 70)
- [071] Victreebel has 80 Sp. Defense (previously 60)
- [078] Rapidash has now 100 Sp. Attack (previously 80)
- [083] Farfetch’d now has 90 attack, previously 65
- [101] Electrode has 100 Sp. Attack (previously 80)
- [103] Exeggutor has now 75 Sp. Defense (previously 65)
- [108] Lickitung has 85 Attack and 80 Sp. Attack (previously 55 and 60)
- [112] Rhydon has 55 Sp. Defense (previously 45)
- [114] Tangela has 90HP (previously 65)
- [122] Mr. Mime has now 70HP (previously 40)
- [130] Gyarados has 110 Attack and 110 Sp. Attack (previously 125 and 60)
- [136] Flareon has 80 speed (previously 65)
- [208] Steelix has 90 HP (previously 75)
Changes to Pokemon types
- [038] Ninentales is now Fire/Ghost
- [046] Paras is Bug only
- [047] Parasect is Bug Ghost
Changes to Pokemon abilities
- [027] Sandshrew now has Shield Dust as secondary
- [028] Sandlash now has Sand Stream as secondary
- [095] Onix has Huge Power instead of Sturdy
- [208] Steelix has Rough Skin instead of Sturdy
Changes to moves
- Cut is now Bug type.
- Rock Smash has 40 power
- Dive has 80 power
- Dig has 80 power
- Fly has 80 power
- Petal Dance has 80 power
- Fury cutter has 20 power
- Absorb has 40 power
- Mega Drain has 60 power
- Giga Drain has 75 power
- Leech life has 40 power
- Tackle has 45 power
- Lick has 30 power
- Pin Missile has 20 power
- Vine Whip has 45 power
- Hypnosis has 75 accuracy
- Glare has 90 accuracy
- Tackle has 100 accuracy
- Pin Missile has 90 accuracy
- Mud Slap has 40 power
- Thief now has 60 power
Movepool changes
- [018] Pidgeot learns Extreme Speed at level 40
- [023] Ekans learns Acid at level 16
- [024] Arbok learns poison fang at 23, Crunch at level 32
- [027] Sandshrew learns Sand Tomb be moved down to level 20, and Dig be learned at level 27
- [038] Ninetales: Can learn Shadow Ball as TM.
- [046] Paras: Leech life at level 5. Fury cutter at 17.
- [047] Parasect: Changes all moves past level 20. Night Shade at 27, Slash at 33, Dream Eater at 44, Pain split at 51, Destiny Bond at 59. Can learn Shadow Ball as TM.
- [083] Farfetch’d learns Wing Attack at level 23
- [118] Goldeen learns Water Gun at lvl 12 and Water Pulse at lvl 26
- [123] Scyther learns silver wind at 16, false swipe moved to level 1. Fly as HM.
- [127] Pinsir: learns megahorn at level 34
- [136] Flareon: Learns Solar Beam as TM.
- [141] Kabutops learns Sword Dance at level 50
Donate to the creator if you want to support him on Kofi.
- Fixed bug with the give mon cheats menu
- Cheats menu available in Pokémon Centers.
- Fixed an important bug with a lot of multichoices, like the Pokemon center computers.