About Our Laboratory
We are investigating communications technology of the future, so-called quantum info-communications, which directly controls the quantum mechanical properties of photons and electrons. The world of quantum mechanics promises a number of significant advances that are beyond the capabilities of conventional info-communications technologies. For example, it is possible to increase the reliability of information transmitted even at single-photon level by using a coding scheme that controls the quantum states of light. We aim at exploring theories to treat information in quantum mechanics properly, to develop basic technologies for controlling the quantum states of photons, and to realize as many dreams as possible for our future society.
What's New
Recent Topics (Last update: Jan.10, 2023)
◆Press ReleaseNEW "Toshiba, ToMMo, Tohoku University Hospital, and NICT Link Quantum Security and Personal Authentication, Successfully Deliver Secure Personalized Healthcare Use Case ➤to the content ◆Press Release "Toppan and NICT Establish World’s First Technology for Equipping Smart Card Systems with Post-Quantum Cryptography Selected by NIST ➤to the content "New Method to Systematically Find Optimal Quantum Operation Sequences for Quantum Computers Developed" (Sept.2, 2022) ➤to the content
Genome data of numerous individuals stored and transmitted in theoretically secure method and utilized only with individual consent" (Dec.28, 2022)
Effectiveness confirmed in pilot test on secure healthcare data system" (Oct.26, 2022)
◆Press Release
◆Press Release
"Successful Joint Verification Test for Low Latency Transmission of Highly Confidential Data Using Quantum Cryptography for Large-volume Financial Transaction Data" (Feb.18, 2022)
➤to the content
◆New Topic
NICT NEWS 2022 No.1 (Vol.491) has been issued, which features "White Paper on Quantum Network".
Both PDF and eBook versions are available on NICT official website:
(Jan. 22, 2022)
◆Press Release
"Toshiba, ToMMo, Tohoku University Hospital, and NICT Demonstrate the Use of Quantum Cryptography Communication and Secret Sharing Technologies for Distributed Storage of Genome Analysis Data" (Oct. 7, 2021)
➤to the content◆New Topic
Quantum ICT related videos on this page were updated to the latest ones. (Jun. 24, 2021)
◆New Topic
The members of the laboratory were updated according to the organizational restructuring.
(*Please refer to the "Members" page.)
(Apr. 1, 2021)
◆New Topic
Department name "Quantum ICT Development Center, Advanced ICT Institute" has been changed to "Quantum ICT Laboratory,Koganei Frontier Research Center, Advanced ICT Institute." (Apr. 1, 2021)
◆Press Release
"Beginning Joint Verification Tests on Quantum Cryptography Technology to Enhance Cybersecurity in the Financial Sector" (Dec. 20, 2020)
➤ to the content◆Press Release
"NEC, NICT and ZenmuTech use quantum cryptography to encrypt, transmit, and backup electronic medical records" (Nov. 20, 2020)
➤ to the content◆Press Release
"Toppan, NICT, QunaSys, and ISARA Launch Collaboration to Establish Quantum Secure Cloud Technology" (Oct. 19, 2020)
➤ to the content
◆News& Press Release
"In memory of Prof. Jon P. Dowling" (Jun. 12, 2020)
➤ to the content
►List of Topics
Recent Publications(Last update: Jul 17, 2024)
◆"Quantum interference of pulsed time-bin entanglement generated from silicon ring resonator" ◆
Sci Rep 14, 1051 (2024), has been added to the list of publications.
(Jul 17, 2024)◆"Probabilistic state synthesis based on optimal convex approximation"
npj Quantum Inf 10, 3 (2024), has been added to the list of publications.
(Jul 17, 2024)◆"Multi-stage coherent beam combination of semiconductor optical amplifiers in ready-made fiber couplers"
OPTICS EXPRESS Vol. 32, Issue 5, pp. 6903-6916 (2024), has been added to the list of publications.
(Jul 17, 2024)◆"Advantage of the Key Relay Protocol Over Secure Network Coding"
IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, vol. 4, 4100517 (2023). arXiv:2111.13328, has been added to the list of publications.
(Jul 17, 2024)◆"Demonstration of a bosonic quantum classifier with data re-uploading"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 013601 – Published 6 July 2023, has been added to the list of publications.
(Jul 17, 2024)◆"Modified BB84 quantum key distribution protocol robust to source imperfections"
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023065 – Published 27 April 2023, has been added to the list of publications.
(Jul 17, 2024)◆"A symmetry of potential function and non-relaxation theorems of heat flux in nonlinear lattice"
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 446,133638(2023), has been added to the list of publications.
(Jul 17, 2024)◆"Quantum state tomography of qudits via Hong-Ou-Mandel interference"
Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 014008 – Published 4 January 2023, has been added to the list of publications.
(Jul 17, 2024)◆"Secure secondary utilization system of genomic data using quantum secure cloud"
Sci Rep. 2022 Nov 2;12(1):18530, has been added to the list of publications.
(Jul 17, 2024)◆"Statistical verifications and deep-learning predictions for satellite-to-ground quantum atmospheric channels"
COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS Sep. 22, 2022, has been added to the list of publications.
(Oct 4, 2022)
IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering Vol. 3, No. 3135077, pp. 1-11, Feb. (2022),has been added to the list of publications.
(February 8, 2022)
◆"Advantage of the key relay protocal over secure network coding"
The 39th Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security (SCIS2022), Jan. 18, 2022,has been added to the list of publications.
(February 8, 2022)
◆"Performance analysis of polar-code transmission experiments over 7.8-km terrestrial free-space optical link using channel equalization"
Proceedings of International Conference on Space Optics (ICSO 2021), Jun. 11, 2021,has been added to the list of publications.
(February 8, 2022)
◆"Ultra-fast Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry via temporal filtering"
Optics Express, Vol. 29, No. 23, pp.37150-37160, Oct. (2021),has been added to the list of publications.
(October 28, 2021)
◆"Independently programmable frequency-multiplexed phase-sensitive optical parametric amplification in the optical telecommunication band"
Optics Express, Vol. 29, No. 14, pp.21683-21697 (2021),has been added to the list of publications.
(July 12, 2021)
◆"A Novel error correction protocol for continuous variable quantum key distribution"
Scientific Reports 11, Article number: 10465, May (2021),has been added to the list of publications.
(July 12, 2021)
◆"Creation of double-well potentials in a surface-electrode trap towards a nanofriction model emulator"
Quantum Science and Technology, Volume 6 Number 2, Mar. (2021),has been added to the list of publications.
(July 12, 2021)◆"Gaussian State-Based Quantum Illumination with Simple Photodetection"
Optics Express 29 (6), pp. 8199 - 8215, Mar. (2021), has been added to the list of publications.
(March 24, 2021)◆"Limit of Gaussian operations and measurements for Gaussian state discrimination and its application to state comparison"
Physical Review A 103 (2), pp. 22423-1 - 002423-8, Feb. (2021), has been added to the list of publications.
(March 24, 2021)◆"Compact multispectral pushframe camera for nanosatellites"
Applied Optics 59 (27), pp. 8511 - 8518, Sep. (2020), has been added to the list of publications.
(March 24, 2021)◆"Focus on quantum science and technology initiatives around the world"
Quantum Sci. Technol. 5 (1), pp. (1) - (2), Jan. (2021), has been added to the list of publications.
(March 24, 2021)◆"Classical simulaion of boson sampling with sparse output"
Scientific Reports 10, pp.14739 (1) - 14739 (7), Sep. (2020), has been added to the list of publications.
(March 24, 2021)
►List of Publications
R & D Promotion of Quantum Cryptography and Communications
Macroscopic Quantum Physics Research Project
Quantum ICT Collaboration Center,NICT
Quantum ICT Collaboration Center,NICT
Commentary Videos
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Contact Us
Quantum ICT LaboratoryKoganei Frontier Research CenterAdvanced ICT Research InstituteNational Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Go KATO, Director
4-2-1 Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, JAPAN
Phone: +81-42-327-6051 Fax: +81-42-327-6629