The Praying Mantis: Characteristics, Behavior, and Habitat (2024)

The praying mantis is a medium-sized insect that possesses many interesting esthetic qualities. The unique positioning of its front legs makes the bug appear as if it were praying, making it especially recognizable and well-known. You can find the praying mantis not only in the wild but also as an exotic pet in some homes.

Though most people are familiar with the praying mantis, very few know how much diversity there is among this insect order. In fact, there are 2,400 species of mantises, about 430 genera, and 15 families. What’s more, the fact that their closest relatives are co*ckroaches and termites is also likely to surprise you.

The characteristics of the praying mantis

The praying mantis is an insect that measures between 4 and 4 3/4 inches long. It’s worth pointing out that females tend to be larger than their male counterparts. They have a long thorax and two long antennae that come out of their heads.

The most distinctive feature of the mantis has to do with its front legs. These legs are in a praying position, as we explained before, which explains the common name for these insects. What’s more, their legs have spines which help them trap and hold onto their prey.

The color of the praying mantis depends on the environment where it last changed its skin.Coloration can vary from green to brown,and the purpose is to help the insect camouflage itself.

In other words, if the molting occurs in an area with lots of grass, then the mantis will be green. However, if there is a lot of chaff or straw in the area where a mantis molts, then it will be brown. Thanks to this adaptability,the praying mantis can blend into its environment very well… making it difficult to spot.

The Praying Mantis: Characteristics, Behavior, and Habitat (1)

Another interesting characteristic that the mantis possesses is the ability to rotate its head 180 degrees. This allows these insects to observe what’s behind them as well as what’s in front of and beside them.

The life expectancy of the praying mantis is approximately one year. Within this time period, they shed their skin 6 times in order to reach their full adult size. They hatch from legs which female mantises lay by the hundreds. And when they’re young, they have the same appearance as adults–but at a much smaller scale.

Contrary to what many people believe, the praying mantis is not poisonous and doesn’t even bite humans. What’s more, mantises can help control certain insect plagues in open spaces. So, rather than being a dangerous pest, having a mantis in your garden is actually quite beneficial.


The mantis is a carnivore and a very patient predator. It’s able to wait for its prey while remaining completely still and then attack its target quickly and completely by surprise.

The praying mantisfeeds primarily on moths, flies, crickets, grasshoppers and other small insects. However, some witnesses have claimed that, given the opportunity, a mantis can hunt and eat amphibians, reptiles, and even small birds.

In fact, a study affirms that the praying mantis hunts small birds–such as the hummingbird–much more than we think. Furthermore,they hunt using their powerful front legswhich move at a speed that imperceptible to the human eye. In an instant, they extend these legs and trap their prey in their spikes.

Mantises are solitary insects that normally tend to live independently.They only unite with other mantises in order to mate and, if two or males meet, they will fight to the death. Only the victor will be able to mate. However, some females mantises actually eat the heads of males after they are finished mating. Fortunately for the males, this behavior is less common than many believe.


The praying mantis comes originally from Europe and Asia and was introduced artificially in North America by man.Today, you can find them all over Europe, the upper two-thirds of Asia, and almost all of North America. What’s more, there are some areas of central Africa and the most southern part of South America where you can also spot them.

The mantis is a field insect that often lives in gardens, pastures, and places with little human presence. It’s definitely not an insect you’re going to find strolling around the city. Rather, it much prefers being able to hide among the grass, leaves, and tree branches. Only this way can the praying mantis take advantage of its surroundings to await its prey.

The Praying Mantis: Characteristics, Behavior, and Habitat (2)

The mantis as a pet

As we mentioned before, the mantis falls into the category of a medium-sized insect. However, compared to other carnivores, it’s actually larger than most and, what’s more, can hunt prey its own size and even larger (such as small birds).For this reason, having a mantis as a pet has become somewhat popular.

In order to have a mantis as a pet, you need a terrarium where it can live.It shouldn’t be too large, or else the mantis may have a hard time finding its prey.At the same time, it can’t be so small that your pet doesn’t have room to move around. As for feeding your praying mantis, you should provide live insects that your pet can hunt.

Finally, you need to mist the terrarium on a daily basis with fresh water. This will keep the environment moist while also providing drops of condensed water that the mantis can drink.

To find a mantis, you can either look for one in a yard or garden or else by eggs in a specialty store. Just remember that they need to live separately in order to avoid fights.

The Praying Mantis: Characteristics, Behavior, and Habitat (2024)


The Praying Mantis: Characteristics, Behavior, and Habitat? ›

Mantises are mostly ambush predators, but a few ground-dwelling species are found actively pursuing their prey. They normally live for about a year. In cooler climates, the adults lay eggs in autumn, then die. The eggs are protected by their hard capsules and hatch in the spring.

What is the habit and habitat of praying mantis? ›

Most species live in the tropical rainforest, although others can be found in deserts, grasslands and meadowlands. Praying Mantises usually appear in early to mid Fall, generally around the end of September through the first part of October. Females will lay their eggs which will hatch in the springtime.

What are the characteristics of a praying mantis? ›

These long, narrow insects have a distinctive appearance with the large, characteristic raptorial (folded back like a pocket knife) front legs modified for grasping prey, with long, sharp spines (that fit into grooves on the opposing parts when not in use) for holding what they catch.

What is a good habitat for praying mantis? ›

Use a clean aquarium or mesh-sided butterfly sanctuary. Place in the habitat some dried sticks (with or without leaves) and real or artificial plants on which the mantises will climb and hide. Nymphs dry out easily, so be prepared to mist them daily or provide a watering station using room-temperature spring water.

What are some behavioral adaptation of a praying mantis? ›

They rely on enhanced vision, camouflage and stealth in order to stalk and catch their prey. Mantids are not venomous, but can defend themselves with sharp strikes of their claws if they feel threatened.

How long do praying mantis live? ›

The natural lifespan of a praying mantis is about 10 to 12 months. Praying mantises are able to live this long because they have defense mechanisms that help aid in their survival. Their famous forelegs are very powerful for their size and can crush its prey in half.

Are praying mantis smart? ›

Praying mantises do not perceive the world as you and I do. For starters, they're not very brainy — they're insects. A human brain has 85 billion neurons; insects such as mantises have fewer than a million. But mantises, despite their neuronal drought, have devised a way to see in three dimensions.

What are some fun facts about mantises? ›

Mantises Can Turn Their Heads a Full 180 Degrees

Try to sneak up on a praying mantis, and you may be startled when it looks over its shoulder at you. No other insect can do so. Praying mantids have a flexible joint between the head and prothorax that enables them to swivel their heads.

What is a mantis weakness? ›

Use the Salt Morning Star to exploit its Salty weakness as well as not have it resistant to it. A unarmed build with phase 3 Lil Fist, Truffle Tussle, and the Power Droplet can quickly kill the Mantis, if the player can avoid taking any damage.

Can a praying mantis be a pet? ›

One of the most beautiful and unusual creatures in the world of bugs, the praying mantis makes a great pet. Catching and keeping one is fun and easy. Just grab a jar large enough to accommodate a mantis and drop it in. Make your new pet comfortable by providing it with a large enclosure and an adequate amount of food.

Are praying mantis rare? ›

Globally, there are an amazing 2,000 species of mantis. None of those species are considered to be threatened, likely to die out in the future or become endangered. In some countries, the praying mantis is under protected status. However, in North America, none of the species are endangered.

What are 5 behavioral adaptations? ›

Examples of behavioral adaptation include migration, hibernation, learned behavior, alteration in the mode of reproduction, altered feeding habits, and distinct modes of communication.

What is behavioral adaptations? ›

Behavioral adaptation: something an animal does usually in response to some type of external stimulus in order to survive. Hibernating during winter is an example of a behavioral adaptation.

What are praying mantis favorite food? ›

A few of the foods mantids enjoy eating the most are listed below:
  • Spiders. Despite some of them biting the mantid before it is consumed, tiny spiders are a good source of food.
  • Crickets. ...
  • Frogs. ...
  • Mosquitoes. ...
  • co*ckroaches. ...
  • Bees. ...
  • Butterflies. ...
  • Hummingbirds.

What is mantis food habits? ›

Food. Praying mantis are highly predacious and feed on a variety of insects, including moths, crickets, grasshoppers and flies. They lie in wait with the front legs in an upraised position. They intently watch and stalk their prey.

What is the habitat of the Mantodea? ›

Mantids occur in most terrestrial habitats and can be found in trees and shrubs, grass or on the ground. Adults tend to be widely dispersed and solitary. They are often well camouflaged, blending in with the microhabitats where they hunt and live.

What are praying mantis dietary habits? ›

Praying mantids are carnivores, eating mainly insects and other small animals. Many gardeners and farmers welcome mantids, because the insects they eat are often pests that hurt crops. In addition to insects such as crickets and grasshoppers, mantids eat spiders, frogs, lizards, and even small birds.

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.