Why you should use a landmine in your training | Eleiko (2024)

One of the benefits of strength training is that it is a dynamic way of exercising with a lot of variety and equipment options available to enhance your workouts. Barbells, weight plates, dumbbells, and kettlebells are a cornerstone of strength training, but one often overlooked gem that can help transform your training space is the landmine. With a landmine, you turn any barbell into an even more powerful tool to support your training routine.

Most gyms – whether a commercial facility or a home gym with basic training essentials – will have barbells and plates available; the Plate Mount Landmine slips into the hub of any standard plate and is securely in place for training. Adding this simple tool to your gym provides a new range of exercises, training possibilities and performance.

Versatility and Variety

The landmine offers a unique range of exercises and training possibilities. With 360 degrees of motion, you can move vertically, horizontally, diagonally, and rotationally. This versatile equipment allows you to use the bar as a barbell, a dumbbell, or a plate-loaded machine for bilateral, asymmetrical, and unilateral training.

Efficient Use of Space

Space constraints are a common concern in all types of training spaces. Landmines require minimal space for effective training. Within just 2.3 square meters or 25 square feet, you can perform various exercises, including presses, lunges and rotational movements. You can achieve an effective and dynamic workout in a compact footprint.

Convenient and Portable

Landmines are a compact and portable training tool that adapts to various settings. Bring a landmine to the gym or pack your bar and weight plate set on the go and set up for a session in the sunshine. The lightweight design allows you to easily set up with a barbell set, meaning you can support varied training more easily in varied locations.

Bilateral, Asymmetrical, and Unilateral Training

One of the most significant advantages of the landmine is its ability to facilitate bilateral, asymmetrical, and unilateral movements. Bilateral training involves using both limbs under the same load, while asymmetrical training biases the load to one side of the body, forcing your muscles to work asymmetrically. Unilateral training focuses on using a single limb. Incorporating these training variations with the landmine can improve balance, stability, muscle activation, core strength, performance, and injury prevention.

If you want to elevate your training, a landmine is a valuable addition to your equipment setup. With its versatility, space-saving benefits, and convenience, landmines open up a world of possibilities for your training. Whether you're a beginner, a seasoned fitness enthusiast, or a professional lifter, the landmine can help you reach new heights in your strength journey.

To explore landmine benefits and uses more thoroughly, read our complete guide to landmine training.

Why you should use a landmine in your training | Eleiko (2024)


Why you should use a landmine in your training | Eleiko? ›

Incorporating these training variations with the landmine can improve balance, stability, muscle activation, core strength, performance, and injury prevention. If you want to elevate your training, a landmine is a valuable addition to your equipment setup.

What are the benefits of landmine training? ›

Landmine exercises are a form of weight training that can elevate your fitness level in many ways. These versatile exercises help build strength and increase muscle mass. Landmine training also improves balance and stability while correcting body misalignments.

What are the benefits of landmines? ›

One of the most significant advantages of the landmine is its ability to facilitate bilateral, asymmetrical, and unilateral movements. Bilateral training involves using both limbs under the same load, while asymmetrical training biases the load to one side of the body, forcing your muscles to work asymmetrically.

What are the benefits of the landmine chest press? ›

The 5 Main Benefits of the Landmine Press
  • Builds Motor Control. ...
  • It Fixes Left to Right Imbalances. ...
  • It Can be Substituted for Overhead Work. ...
  • It Can be Substituted for Horizontal Pressing. ...
  • It's a Primal Movement.
Aug 23, 2023

What are the benefits of the landmine row? ›

The Landmine Row provides many benefits. As a heavy Row, the exercise is incredibly effective for strengthening the upper back and shoulders. If you want to pack on muscle mass on your upper body and back then add this exercise into your training. Stick to 3 – 5 sets or 8 – 12 reps for maximum hypertrophy.

What does a landmine do to your body? ›

Unilateral training focuses on using a single limb. Incorporating these training variations with the landmine can improve balance, stability, muscle activation, core strength, performance, and injury prevention. If you want to elevate your training, a landmine is a valuable addition to your equipment setup.

What muscles does landmine target? ›

Target muscle groups: Latissimus dorsi, Rhomboid, Rear Deltoid, Trapezius. Insert the landmine angled handle to the end of the barbell, with the handles towards you. Ride over the bar by standing with one foot on each side. Bend your knee slightly and lower body to grip on the handles.

What are 3 effects of landmines? ›

Apart from their direct physical effects, landmines and ERW also restrict access to basic resources such as food and water, limit the use of key infrastructure, and both force and restrict migration.

Are landmines squats worth it? ›

Landmines squats can be ideal for targeting quads, particularly in taller people who might struggle to target that area with traditional squats. The overall impact of landmine squats for building lower body strength is excellent. They're also a safer, lower-impact alternative.

What are the disadvantages of landmines? ›

In addition, emplaced landmines deprive families and communities of land that could be put to productive use, such as agriculture. They maintain a sense of insecurity long after conflicts end, delay peace processes, and impede countries' development for years.

Is landmine press good for athletes? ›

The movement of the landmine itself can help teach an athlete how to effectively transfer force between the upper and lower body, while also presenting a greater demand on transverse (multiplanar) stability.

Is landmine good for chest? ›

The landmine chest works the pec major and may have a greater impact on the upper part of the chest, known as the clavicular head. While both heads will play a part in lifting the weight, this is a good option for those who want to create a fuller upper chest.

What muscles do landmine punches work? ›

Benefits of the Landmine Punch Throw

The quick transition between catching the bar and repeating the next punch develops the stretch-shortening cycle of the core, lats and leg muscles. The stretch-shortening cycle acts as a catapult, the more effective we can use this pre-stretch the more forceful our punches can be.

What does landmine press exercise? ›

Similar to the traditional overhead press, the landmine press isolates the deltoid muscles of the shoulder (particularly the anterior and medial deltoids) responsible for shoulder stabilization and range of motion in the shoulder joint [3].

Why was landmine important? ›

Antipersonnel mines were initially developed to protect antitank mines and stop them being removed by enemy soldiers. They were used defensively, to protect strategic areas such as borders, camps, or important bridges and to restrict the movement of opposing forces.

What muscle do landmine rows work? ›

The T-Bar row, also known as a landmine row, uses a landmine attachment, barbell, and weight plates to train the upper back muscles, namely the lats, rhomboids, traps, rear delts, as well as the core.

What are landmine rotations good for? ›

The landmine rotation is a highly effective exercise for developing core strength and punching force.

Is landmine Press worth doing? ›

This single-arm exercise is powerful, and in turn, it will do wonders for your overhead pressing strength, shoulder size, and stability. So if you're ready to switch things up and be a little more adventurous with your upper body workouts, then this is the exercise for you.

Do you really need a landmine attachment? ›

Like we mentioned before, landmine attachments are an excellent training tool that can save your joints and give you a nasty workout and activate and work muscles you never knew you had. A landmine attachment allows for free movement without being fixed and locked in, which can often cause pain in joints.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.