Iced Matcha Tea Latte Recipe (2024)

When it comes to surviving Oregon’s notoriously dark and damp winters, mornings definitely find me protectively clinging to a steaming mug of full-bodied, locally-roasted coffee. But when warm weather rolls around, my solar-powered self craves something cooler (and less high-octane) to provide a light boost to my day. I’ve found a number of traditional and herbal iced tea recipes that often fit the bill, but when I really want to treat myself, I take the time to whip up a special treat: a chilled organic matcha tea latte.

Matcha strikes an ideal balance between the energizing properties of your java fix and the bright, springy freshness of a green or herbal tea. Its lush and enlivening scent accents its bright, grassy flavor: a balance of umami, bittersweet, and smooth creaminess, especially when combined with dairy (or an alternative milk for a vegan matcha tea latte). A cup of matcha may contain roughly the same caffeine content per serving as coffee, but I personally have experienced its energizing effects to be less intense and jolting than those of my winter cups of joe.

I love the organic matcha tea powder offered here at Mountain Rose Herbs because it’s cultivated and prepared using the same practices as the powder used in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies; it’s shade-grown in Kyoto prefecture, harvested while the Camellia sinensis leaves are young and tender, and then dried and slowly ground into fine powder through a special technique that helps it retain its nutrients, chlorophyll, and STUNNING green color. The result? A gorgeous, complex, power-packed beverage that makes my whole body smile—I hope it does the same for you. :)

Iced Matcha Latte Recipe (Traditional Preparation)

Makes 1 serving.


  • ½ tsp. organic matcha powder
  • ½ tsp. organic lemongrass powder (optional)
  • 5 fl. oz. hot (not boiling) water
  • 2 tsp. organic local honey or agave (or to taste)
  • ½ cup milk of your choice, room temperature (staff favorites include full-fat cow’s milk, coconut milk, and soy milk)
  • Ice


  • Sift organic matcha powder and organic lemongrass powder into a small, heat-safe tea mixing bowl (a traditional bamboo matcha spoon and mesh tea strainer work well for this; see our matcha making video tutorial for pro tips!).
  • Gradually add water, and whisk to combine with powder in bowl (any whisk will do, but a traditional matcha whisk is specially shaped for this purpose).
  • Once powder is completely incorporated (about 45 seconds), add honey (or alternative sweetener) to the warm liquid and whisk until dissolved.
  • Gradually whisk in milk until texture is smooth and frothy.
  • Pour over ice, let chill for a minute, and enjoy!

We LOVE the traditional preparation for optimal smoothness, but if you need a quick and easy matcha latte recipe to take on-the-go, there’s a simplified version as well!

Iced Matcha Latte Recipe (Easy Mason Jar Preparation)

Makes 1 serving.

Prepare in a half-pint jar with lid.


  • 1 tsp. organic matcha powder
  • A few drops warm water
  • 1 cup milk or vegan alternative of your choice
  • 2 tsp. organic local honey or agave (or to taste)
  • Ice


  1. Scoop organic matcha powder into jar, then add a few drops of water.
  2. Stir to form a paste, adding more water as needed (this prevents powder clumps).
  3. Add milk, honey or agave, and a couple ice cubes.
  4. Screw lid securely onto jar, then shake to mix.
  5. Grab, go, and enjoy!

Wondering how to use matcha in Hot Tea?

Watch Our Matcha Tea How-To Video!

You may also be interested in:

  • Organic Ceremonial Grade Matcha Tea
  • Green Tea Ice Cream Recipe
  • No-Bake Matcha Cheesecake

Iced Matcha Tea Latte Recipe (4)

This blog post was originally published in 2014 as a part ofour weekly series: The Sunday Steep.

Topics: Recipes,

Iced Matcha Tea Latte Recipe (5)

Written by Jana on July 18, 2018

Jana DiSanti is a marketing writer, editor, and strategist who holds a Master of Business Administration with an emphasis in Sustainability. She has also earned a bachelor's degree in psychology and enjoys exploring techniques that help people change their everyday behaviors to make better use of our precious environmental resources. She's spent her career promoting businesses that strive to better the world, and she loves how passionately her Pacific Northwest community supports that mission! She firmly believes that rethinking our food systems is essential for worldwide human and ecological health, and she is thrilled to help support Mountain Rose Herbs in providing responsibly sourced herbal offerings to its customers. Off-work hours will find her hiking, camping, and mushroom-hunting in Oregon's wild areas, volunteering at her local farmer’s market, or cooking, gardening, and corralling chickens at home.

Iced Matcha Tea Latte Recipe (2024)


How many scoops of matcha in iced Matcha latte? ›

Just scoop 2-3 Perfect Matcha Spoons (approx. 1 teaspoon) of traditional matcha or 5-6 Perfect Matcha Spoons (approx.

How much milk should I put in my matcha? ›

Mix in with 80-120ml of your favourite milk (dairy, oat or soy). Use less milk if you prefer your Matcha Latte to be less milky! Add the whisked Matcha slowly for beautiful swirls.

How much matcha should I put in my cup? ›

So let's just start off by answering how much matcha per cup of water. Typically, we recommend you use 2 grams of matcha powder for 100ml of water. This is about half a cup, so if you want to get the same consistency on a full 8 ounce cup of matcha tea, you should use 4 grams.

How much matcha powder to use per cup? ›

We recommend somewhere between ½ -1 teaspoon of matcha powder per cup, depending on how strong you like your brew. The final taste will depend on the grade, in addition to where the Camellia sinensis in your cup was grown.

Which milk is best for matcha latte? ›

**Whole Milk**: Delivers a creamy texture and rich flavor, enhancing the matcha's taste. Ideal for those who prioritize taste and texture over calorie count. 2. **Skim Milk**: Offers a lighter option with less fat while still providing a decent creaminess.

What syrup goes best with matcha? ›

adding vanilla syrup to my matcha lattes changed the game to make: froth/whisk 1 tsp ceremonial grade matcha powder with 2 tbsp very hot water and 2 tsp homemade vanilla syrup.

Why does my matcha latte not taste good? ›

This is one of the main reasons why matcha can taste bad. Boiling water will make your matcha taste bitter. The ideal water temperature when brewing matcha is approximately 70-80 degrees celsius. The umami flavours that matcha is desired for are best extracted when brewing matcha at this warm water temperature.

What sugar is best for matcha? ›

Various sweeteners, including natural ones like honey, maple syrup, and stevia, can be used to add a touch of sweetness to your matcha green tea. You can even opt for more subtle sweeteners such as fruit-based syrups or dairy and non-dairy milk options like almond milk, oat milk, and soy milk.

Does Dunkin use real matcha? ›

Not quite — your favorite chain coffee shops like Starbucks and Dunkin' do use real green tea powder in their matcha drinks but with all the added sugars used in their powder blend, it's technically not traditional Japanese matcha green tea powder and therefore it lacks a lot of the health benefits that real ceremonial ...

What does Starbucks sweeten their matcha with? ›

Starbucks' matcha drinks tend to be quite sweet due to the addition of sugar and syrups in the preparation. The matcha powder used by Starbucks is a blend that includes sugar, which contributes to the overall sweetness of the drink.

Can you add matcha directly to milk? ›

Traditional matcha green tea is made with just green tea powder and water, but you can also easily make a latte by finishing your drink with steamed milk. I love to make mine with almond milk, coconut milk, or homemade oat milk. Whisk again until foamy, sweeten to taste, and enjoy!

Is matcha better with or without milk? ›

Matcha plays well with dairy and sugar; there's something that just hits the pleasure centers, so it's easy to understand why sweetened milky matcha drinks are so popular. Another reason sweet milky matcha drinks are so popular is throwing fat and sugar at matcha is a good way to make bad matcha powder palatable.

Is it better to make matcha with milk or water? ›

absorption and the benefit of drinking Matcha for antioxidant content. ◾️If you do love drinking your Matcha in a latte style, pick a plant based milk (I'm using Almond Milk here) that won't affect the absorbtion of all those amazing antioxidants. ◾️Better still, drink Matcha straight up with just hot or cold water.

How many scoops of matcha do I use? ›

A bamboo scoop, or chashaku, is the perfect tool to loosely measure the amount of Matcha per serving; we recommend two heaping scoops.

How many tablespoons of matcha should I use? ›

The recommended amount of matcha to add to water can vary depending on personal preference and the desired strength of the tea. However, a common guideline is to use approximately 1 teaspoon (about 2 grams) of matcha powder per 8 ounces (240 milliliters) of hot water.

How do you measure matcha with matcha scoop? ›

Ideally, a chashaku is 18cm in length, made with almost a 48° curve at the base. The “scoop” should be flatter, and slightly wider than the rest of the body for measuring out matcha efficiently. One chashaku scoopful of matcha equates to roughly a third of a teaspoon of matcha powder.

Is two matcha lattes too much? ›

While you can drink matcha daily, it is high in caffeine and may contain traces of pesticides and other chemicals. The beneficial compounds it contains, such as catechins, may be harmful in high quantities. It's best to consume matcha in moderation, for instance, 1–2 cups of tea per day or up to 2 teaspoons of matcha.

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