Hera Agathon - Battlestar Wiki (2024)

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For information on the Lord of Kobol of the same name, see Hera, Lord of Kobol.
Hera Agathon

Alexandra Thomas as Hera.


Hera Agathon;
Isis to adoptive mother;
Mitochondrial Eve to modern scientists
Age 3 Years Old
Born 9 months after the Cylon Attack (TRS: "Downloaded")
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name Hera Agathon
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced Downloaded
Death Unknown cause as a relatively young mother in Tanzania, c. 148,000 BCE
Parents Sharon "Athena" Agathon (biological mother)
Karl "Helo" Agathon (biological father)
Maya (adoptive mother)†
Children At least two daughters;
All modern humans are her matrilineal decendants
Marital Status
Family Tree View
Role "Lead the next generation of God's children"
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by Lily Duong-Walton,
Alexandra Thomas (older Hera)
Iliana Gomez-Martinez (older Hera)
Hera Agathon is a Cylon
Hera Agathon is a Final Five Cylon
Hera Agathon is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Hera Agathon is an Original Series Cylon
Additional Information
Hera Agathon in the separate continuity

Lily Duong-Walton as Hera.

Hera Agathon is the first successful Human/Cylon hybrid, the culmination of the Cylons' experiments to achieve viable procreation. Being the only known successful progeny of a humanoid Cylon; the Cylons literally consider her a "miracle from God".


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Conception
    • 1.2 Birth
    • 1.3 Time with the Cylons
    • 1.4 Return
    • 1.5 Return to the Cylons, Rescue, and Destiny
  • 2 Notes
  • 3 References



Her parents are the human Karl "Helo" Agathon and the Cylon Sharon "Athena" Agathon, both officers of Galactica.

Sharon, who at the time was posing as Sharon "Boomer" Valerii, was dispatched by her comrades to take part in a Cylon experiment involving setting up Karl to fall in love with and impregnate her.

Previous and other current attempts to create hybrids; most especially the forced cross-breeding experiments in the Cylon Farms met with complete failure, thus making the experiment necessary. The Cylons theorized that the key element to procreation they were missing was true love (itself an important element to Cylons, because they believe that "God is love").

Some time after the experiment began; Karl and Sharon finally conceived their daughter in a night of passionate sex, following Karl's "rescue" of Sharon (really a deceitful test by the Cylons to test his love for Sharon; which he passed). Immediately following her success, Sharon is ordered to convince Karl to stay in "hiding" on Caprica. Unfortunately for the Cylons, however, Sharon, by this time, had really fallen in love with Karl. To this end, Sharon began helping him to escape the Cylons; her love for Karl and their unborn child eventually leading her to switch her allegiance over to the Colonials.

Kara Thrace, who arrived earlier on Caprica to retrieve the Arrow of Apollo, leaves with Caprica-Valerii and Agathon in a captured Heavy Raider. Caprica-Valerii is incarcerated in Galactica's brig for the next few months, as her pregnancy continues to advance.


Agathon is born by emergency surgery one month premature. President Laura Roslin arranges with Doctor Cottle—and without Admiral William Adama's involvement—to fake Agathon's death and secretly gives the child to a woman named Maya under the guise that the child is the daughter of a Pegasus officer. The subterfuge, Roslin presumes, is necessary to keep Agathon safe from humanoid Cylons that may be hiding in the Fleet (TRS: "Downloaded") [1]. Maya, unaware of her new child's past, names the girl Isis (TRS: "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II").

Hera Agathon as an infant, in the care of Maya.

Gaius Baltar's Messenger Six tells him he will someday raise this child, told to him in a vision he had while trapped on the planet Kobol. However, unaware of what President Roslin has done, Baltar, like the rest of the people who knew about her, believes Agathon to be dead.

When the Fleet settles on New Caprica under the rule of newly-elected President Baltar, Roslin begins teaching at a settlement elementary school with Maya. Roslin keeps Agathon and Maya close for observation in a cradle identical to the one Baltar saw in his vision.

Before the Battle of New Caprica, Roslin hides Maya and Agathon in the resistance's underground bunker. She then tasks Samuel Anders to have two of his best men protect them at all costs, and later make sure they get off the planet. (TRS: "Exodus, Part I").

Time with the Cylons

In actuality, however, during the civilian evacuation, Maya is killed and Hera left behind. Later, when it is confirmed neither escaped with the Fleet, Roslin assumes Hera died on New Caprica. In actuality, however, Hera was found and rescued by President Baltar, Caprica-Six, and Number Three, and brought aboard a baseship (TRS: "Exodus, Part II"). She remains in the care of the Cylons, who are happy to welcome her.

Later, Hera begins to fall ill, and none of the Cylon physicians (who have no pediatric experience) understand why.


Karl and Sharon finally learn of Roslin's duplicity when Adama reveals the truth (after learning it from Boomer and confronting Roslin with the knowledge). Naturally, Karl and Sharon take it hard, and immediately Sharon desires to see her. Later, she compels her extremely-reluctant husband to shoot her dead, so she can download to the Cylon ships. Later, Adama is convinced by Karl that Sharon will not be captured and forced to convey information on her mission, and when Roslin objects, Karl coldly reminds her if she hadn't lied and stolen Hera from them; the situation would never have developed, and so Roslin immediately capitulates.

Upon downloading, the sympathetic Caprica-Six brings Sharon to Hera, believing her story of how the humans wouldn't let her see her daughter and so felt it was the only way. Hera immediately recognised her mother (despite Boomer being in the same room) and Sharon tearfully reunited with her.

Sharon, through her Colonial training and maternal instinct, realizes that only Colonial medical care can save Hera Agathon, who appears to be suffering from an intestinal blockage. She persuades Caprica-Six to help her escape back to Galactica with Hera ("The Eye of Jupiter", "Rapture").

Agathon appears in several visions seen by Caprica-Six, Laura Roslin, and Sharon as the Fleet approaches the Ionian Nebula. In each vision, the three adults are compelled to save the child for motives not explained (TRS: "Crossroads, Part II").

Two months later, after returning from the Demetrius mission with a rebel Cylon basestar, Sharon discovers that Agathon has a fixation with Number Six, seeing that Hera's various crayon drawings of both the number itself and various depictions of Six, including one that looks like the Virtual Six in the red dress. Agathon then leaves after this discovery, leaving her mother to frantically search around Galactica's corridors for her. After Sharon sees Natalie with Agathon, she has Galen Tyrol take Agathon away before mortally wounding Natalie (TRS: "Guess What's Coming to Dinner?"). As a result of this action, Agathon is briefly taken away from her mother, herself incarcerated in Galactica's brig by Admiral Adama, but he reverses that decision days later (TRS: "Sine Qua Non").

Return to the Cylons, Rescue, and Destiny

Hera remains in the care of her parents, and soon it becomes apparant that she is a critical part of solving the mysteries of the Final Five's history and mankind's destiny. The Agathon family's tranquility is shattered when Boomer, having pretended to defect to the Colonials with Ellen Tigh, executed her mission to kidnap Hera and bring her to John Cavil. To this end, Boomer knocks out Sharon, seduces Karl (in full sight of a hidden and bound Sharon), who thinks she is his wife, and picks up Hera from the ship's daycare. She drugs the child and places her in a supply crate on her Raptor. Boomer is able to escape, as Adama cannot have her shot down without risk to Hera (TRS: "Someone to Watch Over Me").

Hera immediately misses her parents, tearfully and continually calling out for her mother. Boomer nearly forcefully sedates her to keep her quiet, but soon reconsiders, instead choosing to calm her with her projection ability (which Hera is discovered to share). Hera is brought to The Colony and handed over to Cavil (TRS: "Islanded in a Stream of Stars"). Cavil reveals to Boomer, who was reluctant to leave Hera (and vice-versa), that he plans to dissect and study her to discover the secret of her creation and use it to allow the Cylons to have hybrid children on their own and save their species.

Meanwhile, on Galactica, Karl and Sharon are devastated by their child's loss, with Sharon inconsolable and assuming Hera has already been dissected and killed by Cavil, but Karl, becoming increasingly unstable, still holds a shred of hope for seeing her again.

With Galactica dying, Adama assembles the crew for the ship's final mission; rescue Hera from Cavil (TRS: "Daybreak, Part I").

Boomer ultimately decides to kill the Simon operating on Hera and return her to her parents, who have boarded the Colony. Boomer is then killed by Athena after handing Hera back to her parents. Starbuck, Apollo, Helo, and Athena return to Galactica with Hera, but, after her father is shot by a Doral model, they lose track of her. The wounded Agathon then pleads with his wife to leave him and go find their daughter. Hera is sheltered by Roslin, and then by Caprica-Six and Baltar, who take her into CIC and protect her from Cavil, fulfilling the Opera House Prophecy.

Hera is among the survivors that settle on the new Earth, where she lives an agrarian and hunter/gatherer lifestyle with her parents in an area of Africa known later as Tanzania. She dies while a young woman. Her fossilized remains are discovered in 150,000 years and she is speculated to be the "Mitochondrial Eve", most recent common ancestress (when only purely female lines of descent are considered) of all living humans, by archaeologists from the Smithsonian Institute in Washington. Messenger Baltar and Messenger Six read an article about the discovery and indicate that the archaeologists' speculation is correct (TRS: "Daybreak, Part II").


  • The series' producers have noted, in a TV Guide interview, that this character will not "hyperage", that is, suddenly become much older than series-elapsed time (see the talk page of this article for more information).
  • If Hera really is Mitochondrial Eve, then that would imply that all present-day human mitochondria are descended from her, and thus, her mother, a Cylon. So that would mean we all have Cylon mitochondria, though in reality, human mitochondria closely match those of apes and all other Earth life. This is also presumably true in the Battlestar universe, otherwise a difference would have caused major scientific and religious upheaval.


  1. In a deleted subplot from "Downloaded", Gina Inviere and D'Anna Biers scheme to kidnap Agathon at Gaius Baltar's request. Gina expresses disgust at Agathon being named for a human god. When D'Anna asks Gina what they should call the baby, Gina suggests "Thirteen".
Characters in the Re-imagined Series

Main: William Adama | Laura Roslin | Kara "Starbuck" Thrace | Lee "Apollo" Adama
Gaius Baltar | Number Six | Number Eight

Supporting: Saul Tigh | Galen Tyrol | Karl "Helo" Agathon | Felix Gaeta | Anastasia Dualla | Cally Tyrol
Samuel Anders | Tory Foster | Ellen Tigh | Billy Keikeya

Recurring: Hera Agathon | Jean Barolay | Helena Cain | Brendan "Hot Dog" Costanza | Sherman Cottle
Margaret "Racetrack" Edmondson | Elosha | Anthony Figurski | Jack Fisk | Louis Hoshi | Louanne "Kat" Katraine
Aaron Kelly | Romo Lampkin | James "Jammer" Lyman | Hamish "Skulls" McCall | Number One | Number Two
Number Three | Number Four | Number Five | Alex "Crashdown" Quartararo | Paulla Schaffer | Diana Seelix | Tom Zarek

List of Deceased CharactersTemplate:Navigation box end

Cylons in the Re-Imagined Series, Caprica &

Robotic versions:

Earth Cylon Centurion | U-87 Cyber Combat Unit | Civilian Cylons | Cylon War-era Centurion | Cylon Centurion

Cylon progenitor:Zoe Graystone

Humanoid versions:

Thirteenth Tribe/Final Five: Samuel Anders | Tory Foster | Ellen Tigh | Saul Tigh | Galen Tyrol

Significant Eight: Number One | Number Two | Number Three | Number Four
Number Five | Number Six | Number Seven | Number Eight

Craft and baseship hybrids:

The Colony | Basestar | Raider | Heavy Raider | Freighter | Reconnaissance Drone
Hybrid | First Hybrid | Resurrection Ship | Resurrection Hub

Cylon/human hybrid: Hera Agathon

Template:Navigation box endde:Hera Agathon

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Hera Agathon - Battlestar Wiki (2024)


Did Adama know Hera was alive? ›

Reunion with her child

Valerii tells Agathon that her daughter, Hera, is still alive and also notes President Roslin's involvement in her daughter's disappearance. After confirming the matter with Roslin, Admiral Adama informs Agathon that Hera's death was indeed fabricated without his knowledge.

What happened to Sharon's baby in Battlestar? ›

Sharon gives birth to her child prematurely and names her Hera. The Colonial administration decides it is too dangerous to let a hybrid child be raised by a Cylon mother, so they fake the child's death and rehome her with a human mother.

Is Gaius a Cylon? ›

3 Answers. Gaius Baltar cannot be a Cylon. We know exactly how many models of Cylon there are: 13. And they're all accounted for.

Who was God in Battlestar Galactica? ›

In the original Battlestar Galactica series, the concept of God is personified in the "Lords of Kobol," a pantheon of deities resembling figures from ancient Earth mythology. Revered by the Twelve Colonies, these gods represent facets of human existence.

Does Hera get pregnant? ›

After Kanan sacrificed himself to ensure Hera, Ezra, and Sabine could safely escape the Empire's clutches, it was revealed in Rebels' series finale that Hera was pregnant with their child. A flash-forward at the end of the episode showed a young Jacen helping Hera to pilot the Ghost.

What happened when Hera died? ›

Answer and Explanation: As an immortal goddess in Greek mythology, Hera does not and cannot die. While Hera cannot die, she was consumed upon her birth by her father Cronus (a Titan who had been informed that one of his children would attempt to overthrow him and subsequently ate them).

Is starbuck half Cylon? ›

Starbuck was not a Cylon. She was resurrected by the Cylon god who in some way is also the human god to guide them to earth and help them cease fighting.

Was Starbuck an angel or a Cylon? ›

While it was never intended for Starbuck to be half-Cylon, the theory is compelling and adds to her role as the Fleet's Guardian Angel, bringing the Colonists and Cylons together in the end.

Is the hybrid a Cylon? ›

Hybrids were a model of Cylon created in the final days of the Cylon War.

What is the most powerful Battlestar? ›

The Battlestar Prometheus was the first of the new Nova Class Battlestars (the most advanced warships ever created by Humanity) to be commissioned into the Colonial Fleet.

Why did Apollo get fat in Battlestar Galactica? ›

My understanding from watching the show was that he basically gave up. His character thought of himself as a warrior but at the moment everyone was expecting him to be a babysitter and pencil pusher. He got depressed, started drinking more often than he should, and exercising less often than he should.

Why does Adama say Galactica actual? ›

“Actual” is the term for the unit commander. This seems to be used more by the Army, but it's a legit term. Normally, when talking on the radio, you're not talking to a person. You're talking to a unit, a command or whatever group.

Was Hera reborn out of her father Cronus? ›

Cronus was fated to be overthrown by one of his children; to prevent this, he swallowed all of his newborn children whole until Rhea tricked him into swallowing a stone instead of her youngest child, Zeus. Zeus grew up in secret and when he grew up he tricked his father into regurgitating his siblings, including Hera.

How did Zeus impregnate Hera? ›

The goddess Hera was initially uninterested in Zeus, so he turned himself into a cuckoo bird and seduced her. After falling in love, the godly couple had two key children. These were: Ares, the god of war.

Was Hera eaten by Cronus? ›

Hera was the daughter of Cronus and Rhea, the king and queen of the Titans. After being born, Hera was swallowed by her father Cronus because he was scared that his children would someday overthrow him. Hera was eventually saved by her younger brother Zeus.

Is Hera the Twi lek from Clone Wars? ›

Hera was born in 29 BBY on the planet Ryloth, home world of the Twi'lek species. She was a young girl during the Clone Wars, when her father, Cham Syndulla, revolted against the Confederacy of Independent Systems and their droid army.

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